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Topic on Talk:Wikimedia Developer Summit/2017/Program committee

Sprint to publish the draft schedule

Qgil-WMF (talkcontribs)

According to the timeline, we have to publish a draft schedule by Monday, December 12.

Let’s start with these assumptions:

  • Two rooms for pre-scheduled sessions.
    • The biggest room in theater configuration (up to 200 people, only chairs, no tables) and required video recording (meaning also that people have to wait for the mic to speak etc).
    • A big room in classroom configuration (up to 70-80 people, chairs and tables) and required video recording (meaning also that people have to wait for the mic to speak etc).
  • 80 minute slots + 10 for changing sessions.

The draft is being produced in a private document accessed by the Program committee members plus Rachel and Srishti as organizers.

Qgil-WMF (talkcontribs)

I have asked about the preferences for room size and video requirements to the candidates to be pre-schedule in the main topic "How to grow our technical community", and also in those sessions without a main topic (example). Their answers should help figuring out which sessioons should be pre-scheduled where, and which ones actually prefer an Unconference setup.

Qgil-WMF (talkcontribs)

I have asked the facilitators of each main topic to decide the one session that should be pre-scheduled. This assures at least one session for each main topic. Once this is done (hopefully by Monday 5, latest) then we will discuss the rest, where some main topics are expected to have more pre-scheduled sessions than other.

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