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Topic on User talk:Amire80

A few questions for you

Elitre (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi there! Because you are a proud member of the community taskforce for the visual editor, I'm sending you this short questionnaire so that we can learn how to improve existing resources and about different ways to build and share community knowledge. Thanks for participating! I'll come back here to collect your answers on September 9th. I'll collate answers on the taskforce talk page. Talk to you soon!

PS: If for any reason you'd like to provide your answers privately, just send me an email instead.

  1. Was the existing documentation about how to adapt the visual editor to your context useful to you?
    • Do you have ideas about how to improve or expand it? (Note it has been changed recently, here's what it looked like before.)
    • What is your preferred format to learn about something or about how to get things done? Feel free to list tools or other resources, even if they aren't being used currently on our sites.
  2. What is the one thing related to adapting the visual editor which is not explained well anywhere and you're still struggling to learn more about?
  3. Did you create additional documentation/resources to help yourself and others? Like user guides, how-to/instruction pages, etc.? If so, please provide links.
  4. Did somebody else from WMF or your community assist you with the visual editor community work you did so far? Please list names and the ways they provided support (like, Alice sent me an email to explain how to do X). Please, add community members' names to the taskforce list if they are not there yet.
Amire80 (talkcontribs)
  1. That page is pretty complete. I'll use the opportunity to mention my usual delenda est thing, however, even though it's non-trivial and requires a lot of patience and dedication: Investigating the appearance of <nowiki> tags, frequently auto-inserted by VE and Parsoid (and by extension Content Translation). I did it in the Hebrew Wikipedia, documented it in English, and reported a bunch of bugs as a result (some fixed, some declined ;) ). Along the way, all the appearances of <nowiki> can be removed from the article space. I can think of no good reason for them to ever appear there, at least in the languages I know, although they are often needed in other spaces like Project: and Help:. They can easily be found by running a search for "insource:nowiki". There were thousands of them in Hebrew, and I removed them all. In other languages I can see thousands of them. I'd love to help dedicated people who know the relevant language get rid of them. The common reasons for their appearance may be different in other languages. It's useful not just for wiki syntax cleanliness, but also for finding useful VE and Parsoid bugs.
  2. Being an experienced Wikipedia, I am not struggling with this myself, but every time I explain about VE to other people, the need to know names of templates when inserting them is the most puzzling part for the newbies. This is filed as https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T55590 .
  3. Other than nowiki thing, which I created, and which I update continuously, there's a simple thing I do: Every time I happen to notice diffs in which somebody is struggling to do something using VE, I go to the help page about it in my home wiki and make sure that it explains how to do it in VE. Many of the local help pages were written many years ago before VE and only reflect wiki syntax (and sometimes they are outdated even for wiki syntax). I did this for the Hebrew counterparts of Wikipedia:Categorization and Help:Footnotes and maybe other pages I forgot ;)
  4. Other than WMF VE developers, designers, managers and liaisons (like you!), the community person with whom I worked on this the most is probably Eran (@ערן), who knows much more than I do about deep customization and gadgets than I do.
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