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Topic on Talk:Content translation

Suggestion: Make each autosave an edit count for translator-editor

Macruzbar (talkcontribs)

Hi all,

I noticed that every time I translate an article, it may be a long article, but it only counts as one edit, because I publish the translation when it's finished, at the end. In a community that gives a lot of value to edit count, I felt that this is unfair for those of us doing many translations: we spend a lot of time on long articles, but the edit count doesn't reflect that. I was wondering if every time the translation auto-saves could be made to count as an edit count for the translator.

What I do right now is publish the article as I translate different sections, but I don't think this is the best process to achieve that result (increase edit count), as it over writes the existing translation, whereas it should be seen as expanding the article.

Thanks for your hard work on this tool! smile

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)
Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Thanks @Macruzbar for your feedback.

I think it is great to reflect users contributions, and it can be a motivation factor for users to contribute more. For the case of Content Translation, we are considering to provide more visibility about user translations from the translation dashboard (more details in this ticket).

In general, edit counts probably don't accurately reflect the quality, type or volume for a contribution to a project. Trying to generate edits artificially may become problematic for reviewers since they would miss the bigger picture of the particular contribution. I think it may be better to evolve the current model to reflect user contributions so that it reflects better the diversity of contributions, rather than trying to fit all kinds of contributions into the existing model.

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