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Topic on Project talk:Sandbox/Structured Discussions test

Indentation of various levels and subthreads

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

This is supposed to be the original message where answers by different people, here all done by me, are expected.

It's done by user 0

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

This is an answer by user 3

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

And an answer by user 2 to user 3

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

This is an answer by user 4 
it was meant to be an answer to the original post

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

Answer by user 2 to user 4

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

Answer by user 5 to the original post, unrelated to the conversation of user 2 and 4

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

New answer by user 2 to the original post, unrelated to everything else in this posts

This post was hidden by Diego Moya (history)
This post was hidden by Diego Moya (history)
Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

This is the first answer by user 1

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

This is another answer to user 1, by user 6

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

this is a reply to user 1 by user 2

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

And a reply by the original poster to user 2

Diego Moya (talkcontribs)

and a reply by user 1 to user 2

Reply to "Indentation of various levels and subthreads"