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Topic on Extension talk:MobileFrontend

[RESOLVED] When I activate MobileFrontend I get a blank page!

Zerano8 (talkcontribs)


First I installed MobileFrontend (and Mantle) local (with XAMPP). I activated both and everything worked fine.

Now I installed both on my webserver, but when I activate them I get a blank page and when I refresh I get HTTP 500 error.

The strange thing is, when I type manually an other page as the main page, I can see the pages in mobile view on my PC.
And when I try to get back to Main page, it still does not work.

The other thing is: When I click to normal view at the bottom everything works again, even the Main page...

My server works with https!

  • MediaWiki 1.24
  • MobileFrontend-REL1_24-154cfe0
  • Mantle-REL1_24-8fa4c6e


require_once "$IP/extensions/MobileFrontend/MobileFrontend.php";
$wgMFAutodetectMobileView = true;
require_once "$IP/extensions/Mantle/Mantle.php";

In MobileContext.php:

$forceHttps = false
$parsedUrl['scheme'] = 'https';
Nemo bis (talkcontribs)

I don't know about your specific problem, but Blank page contains some advice on how to debug such issues.

Zerano8 (talkcontribs)

Your Manual page does not contain content...!?

I tried now php error_reporting:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding() in /var/www/mediawiki-1.24.1/includes/HtmlFormatter.php on line 66

I think I know the problem. I need mbstring on my Apache.

From the extension start page: "Although MediaWiki doesn't require it, PHP must have mbstring support for this extension to work (Task T62174)."

I call our Network admin and ask to install it... Hope that it will solve the problem.

Zerano8 (talkcontribs)

YesY Done. Ok, I solved it! I had to install mbstring!

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