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How to remove user creations from the Recent Changes page?

Harry Wood (talkcontribs)

What's the correct way to stop the display of user creations on the Special:RecentChanges page?

I see Manual:$wgNewUserLog lets me disable logging of new users. I guess that will have the desired effect after a while, except that A) In the short term I still see entries except now they're labelled (<log-name-newusers>) with a link to the log which no longer exists B) I would quite like to still have access to the new users log. I just don't want these messages cluttering recent changes. (talkcontribs)
.mw-changeslist-log-newusers {
	display: none;
} (talkcontribs)

It seems like this class is not used on Special:RecentChanges... (talkcontribs)

The only way I could see that occurring is if you didn't use the enhanced changes, but that would be silly. If—God forbid—you don't use the enhanced changes, then there is no way to hide them with CSS. Maybe there is a hook that you could use to filter them out? OldChangesListRecentChangesLine? (talkcontribs)

What do you mean with "enhanced changes"? There is no class mw-changeslist-log-newusers in the RecentChanges page. For example look at RecentChanges here in this very wiki: No mw-changeslist-log-newusers. Changing the appearance of this class will not change a bit. (talkcontribs)

I'm talking about the sane version of recent changes, which everyone should be using. (talkcontribs)

The enhanced version is not the default and as far as I can tell nearly no one uses it. Your link was the first time I saw it and I have seen many wikis. Also we have no evidence that Harry is actually using it and I actually doubt he does. And even if he did: It still would not fix the by the vast majority used default display. (talkcontribs)

So you're saying no one uses the recent changes? Because the old version is unusable on anything but the smallest wikis. It's the default currently, but not on wikimedia.

Harry Wood (talkcontribs)

Although my question is kind of a "display" thing (I specifically want to remove the display of this thing on this one page). I was looking for a server-side option. I don't think just hiding it in CSS is a very elegant solution. Wasted server effort generating HTML, and wasted browser effort receiving it all and then hiding some of it. Also the count of entries returned on the recent changes page will be wrong if we do this.

I'm surprised there isn't a setting to do this, because I think at some point MediaWiki was changed to start showing user creations here. So I always assumed there would be an option to go back if you preferred the old way. Guess not (or at least not without disabling the whole log)

"enhanced changes" is an interesting point because I see that the clutter is less of a problem anyway if you switch this on. The new user creations get nicely collapsed into a single line. So although that's not actually what anyone was suggesting... maybe that is the solution I'll go for ($wgDefaultUserOptions['usenewrc'] = 1;)

Thanks (talkcontribs)

Restrict the access to the log with something like $wgLogRestrictions["newusers"] = 'autoconfirmed';

Only logs which can be seen by anyone go into the RecentChanges. (talkcontribs)

This works for anonymous users, but not for autoconfirmed, sysops and bureaucrats. If you set it to a non-existing usergroup, also sysops/bureaucrats should no longer see the entries.

Harry Wood (talkcontribs)

Edward's suggestion is potentially a little bit useful. It doesn't do away with the trade-off, but gives a bit more control. I can decide which users see a the cluttered recent changes AND have access to the log, versus uses who have a decluttered recent changes but can't see the log.

I guess if I set $wgLogRestrictions["newusers"] = 'nobody'; then that's pretty much the same as $wgNewUserLog=false;. Everyone sees a de-cluttered recent changes, but nobody has access to the log.

Decluttered recent changes and access to the log for all users, is what I'd hope for. (talkcontribs)

Luckily, is incorrect. Any kind of restriction would cause the log entries not to show in recentchanges. Because they're not added into recentchanges table, and Special:RecentChanges only lists what's there.

It is irrelevant whether the user viewing RecentChanges has the right to view the log - the log won't be there.

Harry Wood (talkcontribs)

Aha yes! That's more or less exactly what I'm looking for.

$wgLogRestrictions["newusers"] = 'autoconfirmed';

That's an interesting quirk of the permissions. By restricting it slightly, the entries don't get put on recent changes at all. So with this restriction it means un-logged-in users don't get to see the log, but that's no big problem

Harry Wood (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

> Any kind of restriction would cause the log entries not to show in recentchanges.

Which is a bug. Access restirctions only apply to the user groups, who are not allowed to view these rows. Users from other groups however are allowed to view them. That for these users, with access to these rows, the information is missing in Special:RecentChanges should not be the case.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

My guess is that it has been done that way for performance reasons. Have you filed a bug about that?

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