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Level 2 header on a column cell on a table on VisualEditor?

Leaderboard (talkcontribs)

Have a look at this phohotograph. Is this expected or is it a bug?

[edited by TheDJ: make the image a bit less massive] (talkcontribs)

Since you can add headers of any level in a table, this is more a failing of wikitext than the editor.

While yes, it's poor form to add headers in tables, it also has a few limited use cases (table of contents anchors in a long table, for one). It may not be the case on any of the MediaWiki projects, but I know of personal sites that do put headers in tables.

If you were talking about the header appearing in a seemingly offset second line of the cell (as per your image), that's likely due to an obligatory line break required in order to create the header, since you can't create a header on a line that starts with a pipe character.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

This is expected, if and only if you set the cell to be a ==Level 2 section heading==. This happens rarely at the English Wikipedia; I don't remember seeing it elsewhere.

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