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Info request from event login

Mahitgar (talkcontribs)

Requesting kind Attn: ULS team Amir Aharoni, Niklas Laxstrom, Pau Giner, Santhosh Thottingal & Runa Bhattacharjee

Hi, Seasons Greetings

Ref: Bug 51349 and Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector/EventLogging queries

End of this july at mr-wikipedia we made certain changes to support ULS users with some additional help. On certain counts we found some positive impact. To have better (indepth) understandanding we request you to provide figures again for अक्षरांतरण and मराठी लिपी options of Marathi language ULS for month of August 2014. Or figures prefrably from this week day (or next week day) and again after 30 days.

(But we do not want figures of week ends that is not of saturday or sunday. Preferable any week day from Tuesday to Friday and Indian 'day' time is covered in the same.)

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

Hello, Thanks for bringing this up. Could you let us know the specific type of data you are looking for? The queries may need to be modified based on the requirements.

Mahitgar (talkcontribs)


Data I am looking for mr.wikipedia.org i.e. Marathi language wikipedia.

No. ULS option for Marathi What it is called in Marathi at ULS Data needed 1 Data needed २ Data needed 3 Data needed 4 Data needed 5
1 mr-transliteration अक्षरांतरण How many total users enabled mr-transliteration on 28th July 2014 or July 2014 How many total users enabled mr-transliteration on 1st August 2014How many total users enabled mr-transliteration on 31st August 2014 or for the month of August 2014 How many total users enabled mr-transliteration on 1st Jan 2015 or for the month of Jan 2015 How many total users enabled mr-transliteration on 28th Feb 2015 or for the month of Feb 2015
2 mr-inscript मराठी लिपी How many total users enabled mr-inscript 28th July 2014 or July 2014 How many total users enabled mr-inscript on 1st August 2014How many total users enabled mr-inscript on 31st August 2014 or for the month of August 2014 How many total users enabled mr-inscript on 1st Jan 2015 or for the month of Jan 2015 How many total users enabled mr-inscript on 28th Feb 2015 or for the month of Feb 2015

Why do we need above data (Purpose) ?

  • 1) Why we are expecting Data for the month of August and Jan Feb ?
Visitor hits usually are highest for month of August and Jan Feb for Marathi language Wikipedia both as per wiki stats and also as per google trends stats
  • 2) At the end of July 2014 we received an audio-visual clip support for ULS Marathi, using the clip we updated help pages and are running a special campaign for month of August 2014.
So far this campaign has shown excellent results on two fronts percentage of Roman script trial and errors has reduced substantially. Secondly hit ratio shows visit to related help pages per day increased from 1 or 2 to strait away 1000 per day. (We do not know exact figure of total hits for Marathi wikipedia per day but it is roughly estimated in between 3000 to 8000 per day. and 96 to 98 % of them are not likely to know how to do Marathi Typing online/Marathi Wikipedia)
  • 3) With this August campaign we have seen stunning increase by 1000 hits a day to Marathi Typing help pages unfortunately we have not seen proportionate increase in newcomer and anon edits so far. There is a need to find out what is the actual percentage of the people enabling ULS feature for Marathi language options. With the ULS eventLogin data provided by you we will get to know whether just people are visiting help pages but practically are not enabling ULS or they are enabling ULS but may be some thing else keeping them away from using the feature, So accordingly we can design question/survey to understand user behaviour better and improve upon our support and help pages.
  • 4) In any case we have done preparation for sept 2014 for one more campaign for editing mr-wikipedia. We hope sept 2014 campaign will either give more edits or some insight in to the issue why there had not been proportionate increase in edits but for proper comparison certainly we need eventLogin stats as requested above.

Presently we can see the number of hits to a wiki page on our own same way feature for ULS eventLogin stats visibility on our own will be useful to us. For an example data after september 2014 campaign also will be useful to us same way many time november also gets good traffic to mr wiki. Currently we are dependant on ULS team for stats so we are limiting ourselves to August 2014 and Jan -Feb 2015.

Looking forward to support on August 2014 stats at earliest . Thank you, warm regards and best wishes to ULS team

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the details. Very helpful. I am passing the request onto Amir Aharoni for help with the event-logging data.

Mahitgar (talkcontribs)

Hi, This is a kind reminder. Undersigned is waiting for the requested support with crossed fingures.

Thanks and best wishes

Santhosh.thottingal (talkcontribs)
Mahitgar (talkcontribs)

Hi Santhosh, Thanks for your kind support, its very nice of you. These figures are very helpfull. While August 2014 (campaign period) figures signal kind of positive impact can be achieved for detail analysis I will be waiting for some stats figures from other place i.e. http://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/TablesWikipediaMR.htm for how many exact new users got added and there contribution etc.

In Agust 2014 campaign we tried to reach out with ULS inro video clip to aprox 1 lack Marathi people but minimum 30 thousand certainly visited one or the other help page. There are roughly 30 lack active Marathi internet users (6 lack regular or more than average active); roughly 2 to 4 % already know some system of unicode Marathi Typing with this campaign we could reach out to additional 1 percent (of 30 lack) .. So conservative estimate 1 in 30 persons would know Marathi Typing that means for a novice to seek a known person's help currently a freinds freind atleast would know a Marathi Typing method. Our (mr-wiki) target needs to be 1 in 5 i.e. 6 lack people should know ULS it self so contribution to mr-wiki improves. (Hopefully mr-wiki would be able to conduct a improved campaign for feb 2015 season)

Figures provided by you indicate in August 2014 ULS -mr options were activated 4680 times where as activation figure total for July 2014 was 2968 so net increase in activating ULS-mr options was 1712 (around 57% increase over a normal month figure) . 1712 additional activations devided by 30 days will be around 57 per day. If we consider average every user activates ULS 3 times in a day then we can safely assume around 19 new users every day activated ULS-mr since net trial edits are not substantially increased that means immidiate repeating of ULS on further days by same person may not be substantial with conservative estimates around 600 new users might have got aquinted with ULS-mr. ( 600 new users trying on 30,000 visitors to help pages comes to 2% and matches with over all Marathi peoples response rate of 1 in 50 persons usually responds to Marathi Wikipedia campaigns online or of line)

There can be several reasons for absence of net increase in edits out of that one could be what to write syndrome so this september we have already started a campaign. Second is new users may not be aquinted in advance with inscript and learning time requirement curve for inscript is longer. Phonetic and inscript 2 options are not much supported yet still hits are there on them. People may be choosing inscript since its nomenclature in ULS -mr translates to marathi script obiviously people may be activating it and not able to get conversant faster enough. Certainly this aspect needs to be investigated further with more surveys locally. And soon we will be doing that. And try improve support so we get better conversion to edits.

BTW new account creation using Devanagari scripts is increased 4 folds since this August and also with lot of grammer mistakes is a separate issue before us to handel and one more related issue already discussed at hi-wiki community and for that likely to come up with a feature request rfc in couple of weeks.

Thanks any way and warm regards

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