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Topic on Manual talk:Pywikibot

[Resolved] Difference between link and refer

Lloffiwr (talkcontribs)

I am trying to localise the messages Pywikibot:Delete-referring-pages ("Robot: Deleting all pages referring from %(page)s") and Pywikibot:Delete-linked-pages ("Robot: Deleting all pages linked from %(page)s") at translatewiki.net. Apparently the documentation at delete.py states:

-links: Delete all pages linked from a given page.
-ref: Delete all pages referring from a given page.

Can someone please explain the difference between "link" and "refer"?

Legoktm (talkcontribs)

link is all the links on a page. So if your page content was [[Page1]] [[Page2]], it would use those two pages. refer is basically Special:WhatLinksHere, or all the pages that link to the page provided.

Lloffiwr (talkcontribs)

YesYDone Thanks - documented at tranlatewiki.net.

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