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Topic on User talk:Krenair

Tarodnet (talkcontribs)

Hi Domotiki!

I'm trying to unify my account. Not Tarodnet (it was created to discuss with you), but Tarod.

Tarod is my username used in wikipedia and its different sites, except www.mediawiki.org.

I've checked the user Tarod in this site, and the user hasn't any contributions, so I suppose it is possible to change that username so I can unify my account.

I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask about this issue. Could you help me anyway?

Thank you very much.

Krenair (talkcontribs)

The proper page is Project:Requests but I don't think it's really necessary, so YesYDone. You can create an account called Tarod here now. :)

Tarod (talkcontribs)

You're the best. Thank you very much! :)

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