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Topic on Talk:Flow Portal/Archive2

The problem of threads' homes?

Nemo bis (talkcontribs)

«Flow seeks to solve this problem by removing the concept of a "home" for a given Thread» where the problem is «users don't necessarily know where to look for the conversation threads that they are engaged in». I've never heard of this problem, could you elaborate? Thanks.

Jorm (WMF) (talkcontribs)

It's the "talkback" template problem.

You're a new user. I leave a message for you on your talk page. Now you have to figure out if you reply to me on your talk page or you go to my talk page and respond there. If you choose to reply on your own talk page, I have to now go to your page to see any responses. If you reply on my talk page, now the conversation is fragmented and takes place over two homes instead of just one.

Nemo bis (talkcontribs)

Thank you for clarifying. I didn't understand this particular section was only about user talks.

That's not a problem of home for a thread: if I'm talking with a user, the text of our discussion will of course be either of my or on their userpage, I can't miss it (it can get a bit more complicated if it's a user talk discussion among three or more users). The problem is how to get notifications for all messages directed to me personally.

Hence I don't understand the mention of tabs, currently you "only" have to check the watchlist as for every other discussion. There's of course the mostly theoretical problem of who "owns" a discussion («on "my" talk I can remove the messages I don't want», etc.), but that's a social problem and it's discussed on "Comments protection".

In conclusion, I don't know if this "dropping the concept of home" has any practical effect, but it seems a bit misleading, and possibly complicating stuff, if all you want to say is "they will appear in all feeds" aka "I'll see all messages directed to me in the same place" (obviously good).