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Topic on Project:Support desk (talkcontribs)

When I try to run update.php I get the following error message: "Status: 500 Internal Server Error"

Is this a problem with my Wiki files or with the site? I have shell access and can log into the site without any issues, I just can't run the script. (talkcontribs)

Check the apache error log. It will tell you, what's going on.

Krinkle (talkcontribs)

Apache error log is not related. maintenance scripts (such as ./maintenance/update.php) are command-line scripts. They can not be run from the web server (access blcoked).

You need shell access to the server to run these scripts.

Update.php is a special case though. It is the only maintenance script (together with install.php) that have a way to run them from the web browser. That is by navigating to ./mw-config/ in your wiki directory (e.g. http://example.org/w/mw-config). Then follow the on-screen instructions.

Allen4names (talkcontribs)

Krinkle. What you say may be true for version 1.19 but version 1.18 does not have a web update page in that location.

Krinkle (talkcontribs)
Reply to "update.php"