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Topic on Extension talk:Categorize

Encoding error when rendering umlauts

Nakohdo (talkcontribs)

The German localization is rendered ok, but there seems to be an encoding error with the category names from LocalSettings.php (the file is saved as UTF-8). I suppose the culprit is somewhere in the JavaScript code.

I'm using Categorize MW1.18 r92462

Nakohdo (talkcontribs)

The culprit seems to be the utf8_encode() function in Categorize.hooks.php, e.g.:

 $l__label_value_to_print = utf8_encode(str_replace("_"," ",$l__label_value));

$l__label_value is read correctly from LocalSettings.php but $l__label_value_to_print gets corrupted.

"Please note that utf8_encode only converts a string encoded in ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. A more appropriate name for it would be 'iso88591_to_utf8'. If your text is not encoded in ISO-8859-1, you do not need this function. If your text is already in UTF-8, you do not need this function. In fact, applying this function to text that is not encoded in ISO-8859-1 will most likely simply garble that text." http://php.net/manual/de/function.utf8-encode.php

Removing that function does resolve the issue, only the AJAX suggestion still doesn't work with umlauts.

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