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Topic on Project:Support desk

Increase white space between end of list and section title?

Csagedy (talkcontribs)

This has bugged me for awhile: the amount of white space between regular text and an adjacent section heading is different than the amount of white space between the end of a list and an adjacent section heading. Here's an example:

==Section 1==
Here is a really long and exciting line of text.

==Section 2==
# Here is a really long and exciting line of text.

==Section 3==
Blah blah blah...

Section 1

Here is a really long and exciting line of text.

Section 2

  1. Here is a really long and exciting line of text.

Section 3

Blah blah blah...

The upper red area is 22 pixels high; the lower red area is 17 pixels high. Is there any CSS I can apply to my site that would make both areas the same height?

Edit: I should add that I'm using MediaWiki 1.17 with all of the default styles and viewing the site in Firefox 6.0.2.

Csagedy (talkcontribs)

I'm still not 100% sure, but I don't think CSS can fix this issue. It appears that the parser needs to insert <p></p> between the end of the list and the section heading. I submitted Bug 32243 to look into this problem.

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