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Topic on Talk:Article feedback

Option "Exclude Articles with less than 10 votes" in dashboard + total number of votes per article

IGEL (talkcontribs)

I think, it would be useful to have an option to exclude articles with less than 10 votes in the dashboard. Votes by just one or two people is not very useful. A vote is one set of votes, so if 9 people rate only the completeness and one only the trustworthiness, it would be still 10 votes.

Also, the total number of votes of an article should be listed in an own column in the dashboard.

WhatamIdoing (talkcontribs)

YesYDone If you read the notes at the bottom of the dashboard, you will see that it excludes pages that have received less than 10 ratings in the last 24 hours (not just 10 ratings ever).