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Mediawiki displaying strange tags.

Waterfallbay (talkcontribs)


platform: Windows 7 mw ver: 1.16.0 xampp ver: 1.7.2 php ver: 5.3.0 mysql ver: 5.1.37

To put long story short, i have downloaded the latest xml dump enwiki-20101011-pages-meta-current.xml.bz2 and imported it to MW by mwdumper.jar. Everything looks fine during the import process. However, when i review my wiki pages, there are strange tag displayed, such as other uses, see {{#if:|[[:{{{3}}}]]............see the screen shot below:

There are also some useful information missing, for example when i search "Hong kong" in the normal wiki, a geographical coordinates "Coordinates: 22°16′42″N 114°9′32″E" is displayed. But in my own wiki, seems that the information is replaced by something like "<a href="/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Coord&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Template:Coord (page does not exist)">Template:Coord</a>" (sounds like i need to somehow "install" a coord template to display this?) .

I am sorry that i am newbie to wiki, can anybody point me to the right direction or give me some hints that what is going wrong? I wish to build my own wiki that looks the same as the public one.

Thank you very much.

MaxSem (talkcontribs)
Waterfallbay (talkcontribs)


Thanks for your reply.

Any page i can find all the wiki templates in a list?? Thanks again.

Waterfallbay (talkcontribs)
Waterfallbay (talkcontribs)

The ans to my own question is:

1. go to w:en:Special:Export 2. type the template name in the Textarea in the page, such as Template:Coords 3. press the "Export" button.

Waterfallbay (talkcontribs)

After performing all the steps including installing ParserFunctions, i still get this:

All the citation is shown in ref tag and the "Reference" part of my wiki goes into completely mess.

Any ideas?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Install extension:Cite. There is a full list of extensions Wikipedia uses at w:special:version (Specifically the one's listed under Parser hooks are the extensions that generally affect how pages are rendered). (talkcontribs)

Please update you Mediawiki to 1.21 please because 1.16 is not supported any more

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