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Thumbnail style update/ko

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Thumbnail style update and the translation is 25% complete.

This thumbnail style update seeks to showcase our images with clean, simplified styling and captions, to highlight their beauty without distraction. It will also bring consistency with the new image galleries,[1] image styles on mobile and most Main Pages.

Before and after change, in English

Before and after change, in Armenian
Before and after change, in Dutch
Before and after change, in Hebrew

변경사항 요약

  • Image border styling is removed
  • Image box background color (previously #F9F9F9) is removed
  • Image margin and padding is increased between the thumbnail and adjacent text
  • Image caption text-size is altered (to 0.85em from 0.875em) for better readability at the decreased size and to distinguish it from body text
  • Image caption text-color is changed to better distinguish it from body text (from grey #252525 to #555).
  • Magnify icon is removed (now that MediaViewer enlarges images by default)



Was there an on-wiki discussion about this change?
Yes, this was discussed at length during the mw:Typography Refresh discussion (1, 2, 3 and 4) but a decision was made to implement the change separately from the Typography Refresh BetaFeature graduating, in order to have additional testing.[2]
이것이 정보 상자에 영향을 미칩니까?
No. They don’t use the “thumb” parameter. No images that are not thumb styles are impacted by this change.
이것이 동영상이나 오디오 파일에 영향을 미칩니까?
Video and Audio files which rely on the same styling (CSS) as the image thumbnail style will be updated as well. Images and video which use special templates or in-line styles may not be affected.
Does this affect all skins or only the default (Vector) site skin?
This change only affects the default site skin (Vector).
What happens to articles with in-line styles on images?
In-line styles will not be overridden. We recommend editors remove in-line styles where they are present for consistency and compatibility purposes. Where appropriate, switch to m:Template:Multiple image which will update to reflect the new thumbnail styling.
What code do I add to my personal style sheet, to add the borders back again?
See code below.
.thumb {
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    padding: 3px !important;
    background-color: #f9f9f9 !important;
    text-align: center;
    overflow: hidden;
.thumbcaption {
    color: #252525 !important;
Where can I review the code for this change?
The related patch is Gerrit change 133301
Where can I try this out right now?
The Beta Labs test wiki has the updated thumb style, such as on this example article.

설명문서 정리 필요

Pages in documentation that will need to be cleaned up based on this change:

Plus all the other languages. (Please add, and strike when complete)


  1. w:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2013-08-28/Technology report#Gallery improvements launch on Wikipedia
  2. Alternate browser/OS tests were conducted via in-office testing, and two distributed-testing platforms, crossbrowsertesting and browsershots. The dozens of screenshots can be seen at this dropbox.