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Blank elements between InfoCard templates

Eduardogobi (talkcontribs)

Something really weird happens when Template:InfoCard is used inside the content parameter. It creates a duplicate “invisible” element to the grid. See here.

SamanthaNguyen (talkcontribs)

Hey @Eduardogobi: Unfortunately I'm not sure what you mean. I'm using Chrome There's no duplicate HTML element that's being inserted into the DOM here:

I'm using Chrome 71.0.3578.98. Is there something happening with the actual rendering you're seeing that's not supposed to be happening? This is what it looks like for me when I viewed the diff link:

Eduardogobi (talkcontribs)

Strange indeed! Look how it is displayed in Microsoft Edge:

According to the hovering feature in the DOM viewer, these blank spaces are assigned to these <link href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r3035172" rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style"> tags.

SamanthaNguyen (talkcontribs)

Oh no! I'll have to look into this. If you want, feel free to revert the edit I made on Help:Contents to it's original layout; I wasn't thinking about the time of how it'd look to others on Edge so I don't want it to potentially looked messed up to others who might be using the same browser ++ version. In the mean time, what version of Edge are you using? (Really, Edge should be setting display: none; automatically on these <link>...) Also, you might want to talk to one of the developers for the Templates types extension.

Thanks for reporting this!

BTW, You probably want to consider reporting this on Phabricator.

Eduardogobi (talkcontribs)

Given Microsoft breaks everything it touches, my computer is not yet “qualified” by them to install the last update, so I'm still in the April 2018 Update. I don't know if this bug was fixed in the October Update. Currently, my Edge version is 42.17134.1.0.

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