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Technical Community Newsletter/2021/January

From mediawiki.org

Notes on this issue


The Wikimedia Technical Community Newsletter shares highlights and news from the past quarter and information about events coming up in the next quarter.



The 2020 Coolest Tool Awards Ceremony took place on 11 December 2020. This year's event was online, and you can watch the video here. Congratulations to all the winners!

What's new

  • The Toolhub project has progressed to having a demo server where the most recent preview release of the application can be found. Follow their weekly progress reports on Meta for details of the ongoing work.
  • Google Season of the Docs 2020 finished successfully! A new set of resources are now available to support technical writers working on Wikimedia projects.
  • Wikimedia accepted 7 interns to work on projects via Outreachy Round 21.
  • A new set of Phabricator video tutorials was published. The tutorials cover the basics of Phabricator for newcomers and include tips and tricks that even experienced users may find helpful.

Community metrics


Phabricator and Gerrit


Upcoming conferences and workshops


Free and Open Source

  • FOSDEM (February 06–07, online): FOSDEM is a two-day event organized by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software.

Get involved!


Are you interested in learning more or volunteering to improve Wikimedia Technology? Get involved!