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Team Practices Group/Strategy

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The Team Practices Group (TPG) was dissolved in 2017.


  1. Overview of “Playing to Win” process
  2. Draft Current TPG Strategy Cascade
    • Define our strategic problem.
    • Finalize the strategic problem.
    • Frame the strategic choice.
    • Generate possibilities.
    • Narrow down our strategic possibilities to 5 options
      • started working through a strategy cascade for Possibility 1
      • reviewed the rest of the cascade questions and remaining strategy steps (barriers and tests)
      • short retro
  3. Draft a cascade for each possibility. (working groups)
    • Specify conditions that would have to be true for each possibility to be a great strategy.
    • Identify barriers to choosing each possibility.
    • Design tests to assess the most worrisome barriers and assign responsibility for testing.
  4. Refine and review cascades (skepticization)
    • Organizational change
    • Note: our strategic problem was reformulated during this phase
  5. Pruning criteria established
    • Lightning refinements
  6. Refinements to original strategy cascades based on group re-review
  7. Discuss additional possibilities
    • Prune possibilities
    • Final (skeptic) review of cascades and barriers
    • Share progress with stakeholders
  8. Design tests to assess the most worrisome barriers and assign responsibility for testing.
    • Finalize test plan.
  9. Run tests.
  10. Discuss Test Results
    • Make Strategic Choice
    • Refine Cascade
  11. The Great Unveiling

Working Material


Google Drive folder

Meeting Notes


Meeting Notes/2015-12-29 TPG Strategy