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Talk pages consultation 2019/Action items

From mediawiki.org

This page organizes current action items for the Talk pages consultation 2019 core team.

Action items



Action Responsible Date Notes Status
P2 report Team
  • 19 July (rough draft)Yes Done
  • 19 August (final draft)
Collaborate together on filling in details for the Phase 2 report


Action Responsible Date Notes Status
Request translation on wikitech-ambassadors Benoît 14 Feb Yes Done
Request translation on Translators-l Benoît 15 Feb Yes Done
Announce on GLAM list Sherry 14 Feb https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/glam/2019-February/001540.html Yes Done
Announce on Edu list Sherry 22 Feb https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/education/2019-February/002256.html Yes Done
Village pumps: ar.wp, commons, fr.wp, fr.wikt, fr.ws, fr.Wp's Aide et Accueil project,wikidata Benoît 18 Feb A first pass, to check if the message was okay. We have rewritten it a bit. Yes Done
Update /Discussion_systems page from Office, post it on Mediawiki Sherry 21 Feb Talk pages consultation 2019/Discussion tools in the past Yes Done
Send announcement MassMessage to Village pumps Benoît 21 Feb We can do another round if we don't get enough replies. Ambassadors are supposed to understand enough English. Yes Done
Figure out how to catalog the subpages Thomas 21 Feb Looks like template was added to bottom of main page; however, went ahead and linked all pertinent subpages into the Consultation structure section as well - first, for those on mobile and second, to keep focus on the core subpages Yes Done
Add footnotes to bullet points on Talk pages consultation 2019/Current feedback Thomas Yes Done
Schedule meeting with Aubrie about official WMF Facebook/Twitter access for announcement posts Danny 22 Feb Scheduled for next Tuesday Yes Done
Contact kowiki and cswiki contacts Benoît We should talk with Marshall and Benoit first, to decide how to broach the subject. Yes Done
Launch the banner Benoît Follow up with Seddon to finalize the date? Looks like this launched on 25 Feb Yes Done
Contact edit-a-thon organizers Trevor 6 March
  • Email sent on March 5 to ~20 edit-a-thon organizers as BCC.
Yes Done
Discussions check-ins Team 1 March Check-ins to see how discussions are progressing, with the added of goal of providing guidance and further focus where needed. Some issues that should be explored:
  • Editors should be including "why" with their opinions in order for the team to establish use cases.
  • Should there be a purposeful barrier to entry for talk page participants in order to weed out undesirable editors?
  • Reminding about where to post summaries (by April 6)
Yes here is the message
Email setup for talk page feedback Trevor 6 March Done! talkpageconsultation@wikimedia.org Yes Done
Look into Qualtrics use Trevor 6 March
  • The survey will be for the trade-offs/prioritization phase to garner feedback about specific proposals.
  • Requires Legal privacy statement.
  • Trevor has reached out to CE about Qualtrics accounts on March 4.
    • Office page
    • Niharika has the Audiences shared log-in.
  • Create a mw.org/TPC2019 subpage to start listing questions for the Qualtrics survey for the Tradeoffs section
Yes Done
New user feedback Thomas/Danny 6 March (Thomas)
  • Look at the archive feedback from Flow's user test data and add to the feedback page.
  • Danny will reach out to Nick to see if there is any other similar feedback
Yes Done
Look into Affiliates distribution list Benoît 8 March Yes Done
Contact Teahouse hosts Benoît 21 Feb (initial)
11 March
Yes Done
Spanish WP outreach Benoît 15 March Reach out to the Spanish WP and leave messages about consultation Yes Done
MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group Sherry (via Chris K) 15 March Twitter Yes Done
EMWCon Spring 2019 Sherry (via Chris K) 15 March Mailing list; requested discussion at event (April 3–5). (EMWCon has a lot of people who have to explain how to communicate on wikis to new users.) Yes Done
Seeking explanations Benoît
  • Benoît will write some notes with examples of things we want more info about
  • Posting to the conversation w/ follow-up questions: Thank everybody for participating, ping specific people, ask follow-up questions
Yes Done (Phabricator link)
Landing page set-up Danny 20 March Set up landing page for folks to leave their feedback, either reporting from group/edit-a-thon discussions or leaving personal feedback. Yes Done
TPC page update Sherry / Thomas 20 March Update the TPC page to be in line with current phase. Yes Done
Thematic user groups outreach Sherry Message Black Lunch Table, Wikimedia Asian Month, Afrocrowd, Art + Feminism, Wiki Africa, Italian Wiki Women Group, Whose Knowledge; on-wiki outreach for other groups Yes Done
New editor outreach Benoît Reach out to users with more than 10 edits and less than 50 and who have already have made an edit on talk or user talk. (Phabricator link) Yes Done
Talk with CE Sherry 27 March Talk about TPC project with CE Yes Done
Emerging communities outreach Benoît Reach out to emerging communities/mid-sized wikis, tailoring the invitation around their growth.
  • Make a list of EN-speaking contacts from list of active editors
  • Message those editors
  • Done as part of the affiliates outreach
Yes Done
TPC page button Thomas/Danny 29 March The big button at the top of the TPC page only leads to a page for groups to leave feedback. Another button will be created for individuals to leave feedback on a separate page. Once this second page and button are created, they can then be translated. Yes Done
Berlin conf. staff outreach Danny 27 March There are some staff going to the Berlin conference. Danny will reach out to those staff and ask they report back any feedback they receive about wiki communication issues. (Note: Though done, this did not result in any feedback.) Yes Done
Legal outreach Sherry Reach out to legal about survey approval. Yes Done
Test banner Sherry, Danny, Benoît 27-28 March
  • Sherry already talked with Seddon about using a test banner to gauge user interaction. Test banner has been approved by Seddon.
  • Danny to create simple page with two questions to point users to who choose to click through on the banner.
  • Sherry will write the banner.
  • Banner will only live for 24 hours.
  • French users will be pointed to existing French feedback page.
Yes Done
Italian/Port. WP Benoît Reach out to contacts on the Italian and Portuguese WP Done (unsuccessfully)
Top 10 outreach Benoît / Sherry Reach out to the top 10 wikis that have not generated any responses, as determined by editor activity. Yes Done

All top-10 held consultations

Ask for help Benoît / Danny 16 March (Benoît) As the list of wikis and people grows, the team needs help in spreading the word.
  • Ask for list of contacts and/or if contacts want to volunteer themselves
  • Benoît will ask at the Partnerships and Global Reach meeting
  • Danny will ask other WMF people.
Yes Done
Chris and Olga Danny Reach out to Chris and Olga, i.e. "Talk pages are inaccessible on mobile." Yes Done
Continue reaching out via Mailing Lists Sherry 15 March
  • Research Mailing Lists on Meta and determine which to reach out to; generate list & post on Action Items page.
  • Nichole suggests we email education@lists.wikimedia.org for Edu program ambassadors
  • Clean up/post list of wikis with specialized needs, support, knowledge equity, etc.
  • Messaging will reflect that used for emerging communities
Yes Done
Banner update Benoît (?) Check what we should do after the initial banner ends on 8 March. Necessary to run second banner pointing to conversation? Different banners might be needed due to languages. Yes Done
Tag sorting Thomas 11 April (tentative) Sort tags on internal documents for Phase 1 Status Report. Include comments and comment source. Yes Done
In-person user interviews at UC Berkeley A+F edit-a-thon Claudia / Thomas 15 March (meeting)
11 April (report)
side-goal of Research:User_reporting_systems; Claudia is reaching out to individuals and getting back to the team Yes Done
Phase 1 Status Report Danny, Sherry 12 April (tentative) Publish on-wiki report about the status of the project, thanks, what the next phase entails, and associated values. Yes Done
User stories and tagging Thomas, Danny, Marshall Yes Done
Features inquiries Danny
  • Talk to Ed S about VisualEditor on talk pages.
  • Talk to Roan and Moriel about future evolution of SD/Flow. Ask for documentation, if there is any.
Yes Done
Tools-in-use outreach Danny/Benoît mid-March Reach out to people using social media & chat apps, as seen on tools in use page. We want to talk about what works/doesn't on wiki talk pages, and how that impacts their use of other platforms. Are there conversations that you can have or users that you can reach on these platforms that you can't on wiki talk pages?
  • Arabic WP -- Facebook, Instagram
  • Bangla WP -- Facebook, Instagram (Danny posted to NahidSultan March 5)
  • Chinese WP(s) -- Telegram
  • Georgian WP -- Facebook
  • Gujararti WP -- WhatsApp
  • Hindi WP -- WhatsApp
  • Indonesian WP --- Telegram
  • Italian WP -- Telegram
  • Khmer WP -- Facebook
  • Macedonian WP -- Facebook
  • Persian WP -- Telegram
  • Polish WP -- Facebook
  • Portuguese WP -- Facebook (Benoît posted to Teles Feb 21)
  • Russian WP -- Telegram (already have a consultation page on wiki)
    • Danny to ask them about that Telegram Group.
Yes Done
Custom tools Danny/Trevor/Benoît
  • Danny -- will contact Jack who built the house on Russian and investigate their Telegram group -- posted March 18 on Jack's user talk
  • Trevor to take a look at DE.WP for gadgets that customize talk pages
  • French WP -- find the person/discussion when the blue/white stripes was created & discussed -- this is evidence to add to our pile -- Benoît will look
  • Also look into FlowDeluxe
  • A short list of user-created tools, as they pertain to issues users have with communication features (rather than aesthetics), can be found here.
Yes Done
User testing Marshall
  • 17 April (testing done)
  • 27 April (findings posted)
  • 8 May (metadata testing started)
  • 11 May (findings posted)
  • Marshall will be setting up some user testing targeted at new users who show interest in editing on Wikipedia, determined by a screening question.
  • Process results and post that and videos.
Yes Done
Group sign-up P2 Thomas 15 May Revamp participant sign-up page to include P2 section Yes Done
Update TPC page Thomas 15 May Update main TPC page to reflect current ideation of schedule Yes Done
P1 Report announcement/P2 direction Benoît 15 May Individual outreach to communities about report and next steps Yes Done
Tags and prose Sherry 15 May (tentative)
  • Continue working on summary of tagged issues. Post to mediawiki when complete.
  • Talk with Hằng about adding illustrations; also to gauge her reaction and level of understanding
  • Add How to Participate section for P2
Yes Done
P2 central notice banner and landing page Benoît
  • 15 May (rough draft of landing page and banner)
  • 27 May launch
  • Wording has been finalized and now needs translating.
  • Landing page needs added links: P1 report, sign-up page, qualtrics, individual feedback page
Changed to report link
Build Qualtrics survey for trade-offs phase Danny/Sherry/Benoît
  • 29 April (initial questions proposed)
  • 24 May (release)
  • The survey will be for the trade-offs/prioritization phase
  • Niharika has shared log-in for Qualtrics
  • Will need to be reviewed by Legal, they request a few days to review. (Documentation) (done)
  • Benoît will handle translations
Information gathering Thomas Ongoing
  • Gather all responses from participating communities and place them in internal documentation, translated, by community
  • Additional documentation to group all responses by question, each question with own doc
Yes Done
Response tagging, P2 Thomas, Danny, Peter Ongoing Using master tag sheet, tag all gathered responses on the question docs Yes Done
Tag counting Thomas 17 July Tally tags using tagged questions documents Yes Done

Current open questions


For the following list: who is responsible, where will you post, and when? (Add to the table of action items above as we figure them out.)

Action Responsible Date Notes Status
Contact Emerging communities Benoît March Because they have less infrastructure to support on-wiki communication, e.g., archiving bots.

Next step: Look at contribution data to find a list of wikis with talk page activity to contact

Yes Done

(via MassMessage to affiliate talk pages)

Contact user groups with specialized needs Sherry and Benoît March Incomplete Partially done
Invite people that deal with problems e.g., stewards, global sysops, anti-spam folks, editors dealing with conflicts of interest and paid editing, arbitration committees, community health initiative folks, etc.
Invite people supporting emerging communities and knowledge equity Benoît March e.g., chapters in the countries described in m:Emerging communities Yes Done
Invite people who provide tech support to new editors
Post invitation on Meta's Main Page

Communities and groups



Community Language Responsible Outreach Discussion Approx. Participants Feedback imported?
Arabic Wikipedia Arabic Benoît (Village Pump) Discussion 4 Yes Done
Bangla Wikipedia Bengali Danny Via NahidSultan N/A N/A No
Chinese Wikipedia Chinese
  • Via Telegram N Not done
  • Sign-up via banner
Discussion Over 10 Yes Done
Commons English Benoît Outreach Discussion 1 Yes Done
Dutch Wikipedia Dutch Sign-up via banner Discussion 3 Yes Done
English Wikipedia English Benoît Outreach Discussion Over 10 Yes Done
English Wikisource English Benoît Outreach Discussion 7 Yes Done
French Wikipedia French Benoît Outreach Discussion Over 10 Yes Done
French Wiktionary French Benoît Outreach Discussion 7 Yes Done
German Wikipedia German Sign-up via banner Discussion Over 10 Yes Done
Hindi Wikipedia English/Hindi Benoît See Outreach 7 Yes Done
Hungarian Wikipedia Hungarian Sign-up via banner Discussion 4 Yes Done
Iberocoop Spanish, Portuguese, Italian Benoît N/A Discussion Over 10 Yes Done
Japanese Wikipedia Japanese Sign-up via banner Discussion 0 Yes Done
Norwegian (bokmål) Wikipedia Norwegian Bokmål Sign-up via banner Discussion 1 Yes Done
Russian Wikipedia Russian Sign-up via banner Discussion Over 10 Yes Done
Thai Wikipedia, Newcomers Thai Sign-up via banner Discussion 6 Yes Done
Wikidata English Benoît Outreach Discussion Over 10 Yes Done
Catalan Wikipedia Catalan Sign-up via banner Discussion 1 Yes Done
Polish Wikipedia Polish
  • Via Facebook N Not done
  • Sign-up via banner
Discussion Over 10 Yes Done
French Wikisource French Benoît Outreach N/A N/A N/A
Meta English Benoît Outreach N/A N/A N/A
Wikinews English Benoît Outreach N/A N/A N/A
Wikibooks English Benoît Outreach N/A N/A N/A
Wikiquote English Benoît Outreach N/A N/A N/A
Wikiversity English Benoît Outreach N/A N/A N/A
Wiktionary English Benoît Outreach N/A N/A N/A
Wikivoyage English Benoît Outreach N/A N/A N/A
Italian Wikipedia Italian Benoît Individual contact Yes Done N/A N/A N/A
Portuguese Wikipedia Portuguese Benoît Individual contact Yes Done N/A N/A N/A
Georgian Wikipedia Georgian Via Facebook N Not done N/A N/A N/A
Gujarati Wikipedia Gujarati Via WhatsApp N Not done N/A N/A N/A
Indonesian Wikipedia Indonesian Via Telegram N Not done N/A N/A N/A
Khmer Wikipedia Khmer Via Facebook N Not done N/A N/A N/A
Macedonian Wikipedia Macedonian Via Facebook N Not done N/A N/A N/A
Persian Wikipedia Persian Via Telegram N Not done N/A N/A N/A
Korean Wikipedia Korean Benoît N Not done N/A N/A N/A
Czech Wikipedia Czech Benoît N Not done N/A N/A N/A
Village Pumps Multiple Benoît Via Mass Message (needs spot-checking) Known links in this very table 630 sites N/A



Many of those listed below were referred to wikis to leave feedback, most notably the main TPC feedback page.

Language Responsible Outreach Approx. Participants
Black Lunch Table English Sherry Via email N/A
Art + Feminism English Sherry Via email N/A
AfroCROWD English Sherry Via email N/A
Wiki Africa English Sherry Via email N/A
Wiki Conference English Sherry Via email N/A
Wiki Mujeres Spanish Sherry Via email N/A
Wiki Donne Italian Sherry Via email N/A
Whose Knowledge English Sherry Via email N/A
India Technical Group English Sherry Via email N/A
Users w/ more than 10 edits, less than 500, made an edit on talk or user talk. Multiple Benoît Via Mass Message
  • Polish Wikipedia: 80
  • Thai Wikipedia: 38
  • German Wikipedia: 101
  • Dutch Wikipedia: 94
  • Spanish Wikipedia: 109
In-person user interviews at UC Berkeley A+F edit-a-thon English
  • In-person follow-up (Claudia) N Not done
  • Summary of conversations recorded Yes Done
Facebook/Twitter (re:Aubrie) Multiple Danny
  • Via post N Not done
  • Too late during P1
Jack who built the house Russian/English Danny Via conference (notes) 1
8 March summit French Benoît
  • Via questionnaire N Not done
  • Lack of responses
Edit-a-thon organizers English Trevor Via email N/A
Teahouse hosts English/French Benoît Via Mass Message 252
MediaWiki Stakeholder's Group English Sherry Via Twitter N/A
Ambassadors English Benoît Via Mass Message 731
Edu program ambassadors English Sherry Via email N Not done N/A
GLAM English Sherry Outreach N/A
Edu English Sherry Outreach N/A
EMWCon Spring 2019 English Sherry Via Chris K N/A
Affiliates English Benoît Via Mass Message 160