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Talk:Wikimedia Technology/Annual Plans/FY2019/TEC9: Address Knowledge Gaps/Goals

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LZia (WMF) (talkcontribs)

@Diego (WMF) Please review outputs 1 and 2 under Outcome 1 and: link them to their corresponding phabricator tasks if they're not already linked, and also let me know if we have missed a goal altogether, and whether the current ones I listed capture what we discussed.

One thing I noticed for Output 1 is that I'm not sure if we discussed to identify both the types of feedback we should collect from the users for improvement /and/ setting up the model to be able to react to the feedback. We definitely did talk about the latter. If we want to do the former, which in retrospect makes sense to me, we should check with Jonathan if he has time to help. @Jmorgan (WMF) FYI.

Diego (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Output 2 looks good to me.

About the first goal in Output 1: "Build a taxonomy of user feedback for the section recommendation system" sounds a out of the scope of my work. I would remove it, and keep the second goal.

LZia (WMF) (talkcontribs)

For archive happiness: Diego, Jonathan, and I talked and here is the conclusion about the first goal in Outcome 1/ Output 1: We will do some small scale surveys to learn about what kind/categories of feedback the experienced and new editors will want to provide to the model. Jonathan will lead the effort for this one and Diego and Leila will help. Diego can then take (a subset of) those categories and use them to update the model to be able to respond to such feedback.

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LZia (WMF) (talkcontribs)

@Isaac (WMF) Please review Outcome 2, Output 2 and let me know if it captures what we have discussed. Please call out anything missing or that needs update. If everything looks good to you, please create tasks for each goal in that output and link to them. The tasks can go under task T203042.

Isaac (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Yes, this look good to me. We had agreed to execute everything required to run the surveys and prepare the results for analysis (cleaning, debiasing, etc.), which you've captured. I'll work on adding tasks now.

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LZia (WMF) (talkcontribs)

@Jmorgan (WMF) can you review the goals under Outcome 1 / Output 0 and update them both with link to phabricator tasks and also a clearer explanation of what they are? Especially for the "report" one I wasn't sure how much we should commit to.

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