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Talk:Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Skill matrix

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Summary by Greg (WMF)

For the next revision we'll use numbers and not stars (which aren't that easy to quickly see the general layout and understand the table without looking closer) and they'll be from 1-5, inclusive. We can then color the cells based on a two-color gradient (what's a good non-red&green nor red&blue option?).

ZFilipin (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Instructions say 'On a scale of 1-5 where 1 means "no idea" and 5 means "expert", rate your knowledge of the below skills.' but 0 (zero) is used a lot. Should we make it official that 0 means "no idea"? (In that case I have to change a few things to 0.)

Greg (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Ugh, yes, there seems to be inconsistency there. I will address that in the next revision. For now I don't think it makes any functional difference in the information we get from this so I'm not worried and you shouldn't worry about updating anything.

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