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Talk:Wikimedia Hackathon 2022/Schedule/May 20

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"Making a MediaWiki skin" double booked the MediaWiki Room at 2022-05-20T

BDavis (WMF) (talkcontribs)

@Jdlrobson your "Making a MediaWiki skin" entry has double booked the MediaWiki room. It looks like you did not notice the times more friendly to folks in the Americas being below the second table header row and instead inserted a new row in the first half of the table. This ends up with your session being at the same time in the same room as either "Presentation and Q&A: How does Wikifunctions work? How can I prepare functions for inclusion? How can I help with the extension?" by @Quiddity (WMF) or "How accessible is the Wikipedia Skin?" by @Zend2020. I say either because you have a UTC time and a display time that do not match set for your presentation.

Jdlrobson (talkcontribs)

Sorry someone else pointed this out to me. I'm removed the line now. The header row confused me as I thought above the header was Friday and below Saturday (I now see the title of the page but I am pretty sure I clicked edit on Wikimedia_Hackathon_2022/Schedule so am a little confused on what happened there).

I wanted to have a session on Friday, as the goal was to inspire people to build skins over the course of the hackathon. It's kind of pointless doing this session on a Saturday or Sunday when people already have projects. It also makes sense to do this before Zend2020's session. It seems all the available slots are gone, because I didn't act fast enough.

4pm UTC is the earliest I can do this so what do I do.. cancel it or is it acceptable to add more tracks since this is a virtual hackathon?

BDavis (WMF) (talkcontribs)

> I wanted to have a session on Friday

A few options I can see:

  • Talk with folks who are in slots that would work well for you about a possible time change.
  • Schedule yourself in the social room at an open time.
  • Schedule something a bit later than the Americas "core hours".
  • Combo of moving and later times to put your talk and then Zend2020's back to back.

These maybe are not completely ideal, but hopefully you can find something that will work.

> is it acceptable to add more tracks since this is a virtual hackathon? I'm not sure what technical constraints we have streaming rooms. @HLepp (WMF) would be the person most equipped to answer this question.

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