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Talk:Release notes/1.22

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[RESOLVED] Disable collapsible sidebar

9 (talkcontribs)

I want to have a non-collapsible sidebar by default. Why was this not thinked about? The Extension:Vector had it working perfectly and you killed that feature in the final version (talkcontribs)

I also want to disable this. Please add this feature again somehow, or at least tell us what variable needs to be changed and to what. (talkcontribs)

Found it! in the file skins/vector/vector.php

change the line $out->addModules( array( 'skins.vector.js', 'skins.vector.collapsibleNav' ) ); to $out->addModules( array( 'skins.vector.js' )); # 'skins.vector.collapsibleNav' ) );

He7d3r (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

just remove file

Rogerhc (talkcontribs)

My trouble was Collapsible Nav was hiding the customized Donate button I have in my wiki's Support portlet, and because I have chosen to hide the Support nav heading which was redundant, that left no path to the Donate button. Fixed that by adding this to MediaWiki:Vector.css:

#p-support div.body {
      display:inline !important;

So now Collapsible Nav doesn't hide my Donate button.

DavisNT (talkcontribs)
Reply to "[RESOLVED] Disable collapsible sidebar"
Lrineau (talkcontribs)

The release notes for 1.22.7 have not been filled.

Reply to "1.22.7" (talkcontribs)

Hello I need to upgrade my Wiki 1.18. Can I make a direct upgrade to 1.22 or I have to do it step by step? I have the database on an FTP server. Do i have to make a backup of the database or only of the program files?

Mglaser (talkcontribs)

You can make a direct upgrade, as update.php includes all the changes that need to be made in the database. The most important things to backup are the database (as it stores all your articles) and the images folder (as it stores all uploaded files). You may want to backup LocalSettings.php as well.

Reply to "upgrading and backup"

$wgSecureLogin redirect to HTTP broken?

Harnas1977 (talkcontribs)

When $wgSecureLogin is set to true users are not redirected back to HTTP despite the below

The checkbox for staying in HTTPS displayed on the login form when $wgSecureLogin is enabled has been removed. Instead, whether the user stays in HTTPS will be determined based on the user's preferences, and whether they came from HTTPS or not.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

This is not the place to report a bug.

This was bug 40541 and was fixed in 1.21. If not, please reopen it again and provide steps to reproduce.

Reply to "$wgSecureLogin redirect to HTTP broken?"

Job queue handling on each request changed, and it wasn't mentioned in release notes

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Job queue handling on each request changed, and it wasn't mentioned in release notes" (talkcontribs)

The website says 1.22.2 is released but I can't find the tag in the git repository.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Sometimes but rarely the tag is not done immediately. Probably just ping the developers on IRC about it. Cheers

Reply to "git tag 1.22.2"

No collapsed and expanded arrows in webbrowser

2 (talkcontribs)


I installed 1.22 today and recognized a styling misbehaviour of collapsed and expanded arrow icons in the vector skin. Webbrowsers (Google Chrome, Firefox and IE) aren't able to display the *.svg's of these icons.

Regards, Stefan

Reply to "No collapsed and expanded arrows in webbrowser"
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