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Talk:Release Management RFP/2013/EIJL

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Random thoughts / comments I had whilst reading

Mwalker (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Release Process It's indicated that critical/blocker bugs will be addressed and that all bugs in Bugzilla will have milestone and backport information to help in the RC and Stable release processes. As not all bugs have bugzilla entries, our release notes are pretty terrible, and our BZ meta data is not yet amazing -- can you flesh out a bit more what you expect your role will be in improving these things as they seem key to your success?

Maintaining Extensions In the webchat you brought up testing and integrating with wikiapiary for extension management. Is this in effect a suggestion that wikiapiary becomes the primary point for extension distribution / metadata about reliability? Or are you going to somehow integrate that data back onto MediaWiki.org/wiki/Extension:??? so its all in the same place?

Thoughts about packaging / version management for extensions -- are you going to be responsible for backports here as well? Or just the documentation on how to do it?

Fundraising You talk about fundraising -- where are you planning on doing this fundraising? On MW.org? On Wikiapiary? A new place?

Packaging / Multiple OS support Are you planning on only supporting LAMP stacks installed via git/tarball? Or do you have any plans for supporting alternate databases and operating systems? How about reaching out to/maintaining the debian/rhel/macports packages of MediaWiki?

Isarra (talkcontribs)

Apologies for not answering this; looks like it got lost amidst myriad other LQT messages and none of us even saw it until now. Something about how LQT just dumps all new messages into a horrible unsorted mess with little attachment to the page itself - doesn't even show up on the watchlist, and yet when watching more than a few pages, especially active ones, it can be a bit hopeless if you don't have the time to keep up with it.

Anyway, ranting aside, I'll see about poking someone who would know more about our overall plans, though the holiday/weekend may not lend itself well to that. I know it's a bit late to change anything, but these are still probably worth answering.

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Transparency / Amount of Work

Lcawte (talkcontribs)

I just wondered, since your proposal says there are four of you, and you'll be getting $1000USD a month, how much work do you aim on average to put in a week/month and would it be possible to see justification of what you've done in that time, even if its basic like "Contacted developers of extensions X, Y & Z".

Legoktm (talkcontribs)

We expect to put in around 20 hours a week. This may be more on some heavy weeks like releases or less on slower weeks. As stated in our proposal we try to do everything pretty much in the open, so we'll definitely keep some kind of log/progress report available for everyone.

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