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Talk:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Quicksurvey-20-01

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Amire80 (talkcontribs)


I translated everything to Hebrew, and there's a pretty serious problem. All the question are in the second person, and in Hebrew this requires grammatical gender, and I had to write everything in masculine. There are various tricks to address this problem when translating user manuals and user interfaces, but using these tricks in this survey would make it too convoluted, and this may spoil the survey's effectiveness.

Is it possible to at least add a comment in the beginning, such as "The questions are written in the masculine gender, but the survey is intended for people of all genders"?

OVasileva (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi @Amire80! Thank you for helping with the translations. Agree that this is an issue - I think it's totally okay to add a comment in the beginning. Perhaps you could also rephrase the questions in the first person (have the prompts be "I visit Wikipedia" versus "How often do you visit Wikipedia" or "To me, the Wikipedia website feels..." instead of "Does the Wikipedia website feel welcoming?"). I don't think changing it to first person would add significant bias to the responses.

Amire80 (talkcontribs)

First person in Hebrew needs gender, too :)

If I add a comment, where do I add it?

Perhaps you could add this in English as an optional line, and only show it to languages that need it?

Quiddity (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I've added it to the page, and marked it (via qqq) as optional.

Amire80 (talkcontribs)


Alno (talkcontribs)

No need for gender in French (for the given questions as they are). Thanks!

Reply to "Gender"

Frequency adverbs for welcoming and overwhelming feelings

Summary by Pols12

Gradation of intensity adverbs felt strange in English, but it is possible to use intensity adverbs in translations instead of frequency ones.

Pols12 (talkcontribs)


I don’t understand the frequency adverbs to explain how welcoming and how overwhelming is Wikipedia. Intensity adverbs would be better (at least for French translation).

I mean:

“Wikipedia website feels overwhelming often” → “Wikipedia website feels very overwhelming”

Could you explain why you have chosen these frequency adverbs, in order we adapt our translations, please?

OVasileva (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi @Pols12 - we thought about this a little bit while we were writing the questions. We settled on the frequency adverbs because the intensity adverbs seemed to feel a bit awkward in the negative (as in, very overwhelming and a little bit overwhelming makes sense, but the line between say "not very overwhelming" and "not at all overwhelming" felt a bit strange). That said, if you think the French translation works better with the intensity adverbs - go for it. And thank you a ton for helping!

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