I was looking at your mwstake annual report, and I went to read the "Promoting MediaWiki" discussion link at https://mwstake.org/mwstake/wiki/Blog_Post:51#Promoting_MediaWiki - but the etherpad there is empty - https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/fantastic-mediawikis - and there's nothing in the etherpad-history at the random entries I checked. (grrr, bugs).
I tried searching phab in case the notes had been copied there, but it seems that tasks were not created for most of the mwstake sessions in the event's workboard - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/board/2530/query/all/ - Plus, there are no additional links on this page. [Edit: I've also asked devs to look for backups, but they've confirmed we only keep 4 weeks worth, so that won't work.]
TLDR: Did anyone copy the etherpad notes somewhere more permanent? *fingers-crossed*