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Boy050301 (talkcontribs)

最近正在學習使用mediawiki創建自己的網站,但我在拷貝wikipedia的人物介紹模板時,發生了"Lua 錯誤:內部錯誤:直譯器已結束,狀態碼為 1。"的警示,而我看到有人寫說是需要將lua核心改用LuaSandbox,但我卻找不到方式可以將我的mediawiki安裝上LuaSandbox,請問該怎麼解決呢?

Alex Mashin (talkcontribs)

You can use either Luasandbox extension for PHP (available as a package (usually, php-luasandbox) in major Linux distributions) or Lua standalone. Details are described here.
Alexander Mashin talk 02:12, 25 July 2024 (UTC)

Reply to "請問該如何在windows環境下安裝LuaSandbox?"
Djflux (talkcontribs)

Good evening. The new enterprise distributions are shipping with Lua 5.3. Any chance for an upgrade to support this version?

Thanks  :)

Legoktm (talkcontribs)

Please see T178146, there are currently no plans to move away from 5.1.

בקש (talkcontribs)

I can't find any instructions how to install this specific version of lua. (I was trying download and run make but it has some error) is there any documentation for how to get everything up and running?

Legoktm (talkcontribs)

No, it's not possible currently.

Reply to "Support for Lua 5.3"

Vote for LuaSandbox on Plesk

Rand(1,2022) (talkcontribs)

For anyone who is on Plesk hosting, or considering to move to Plesk, and is sad to miss out on all the wonderfulness that is Lua because of shared hosting restrictions and what not, don't give up but please vote for the following feature request:


Lua/Scribunto is not only incredibly useful, but may become one of few viable alternatives when Parsoid has made the move to parallel parsing and extensions like Variables and Arrays are no longer guaranteed to work.

Let's not 'miss the boat' and please make your voice heard.

Reply to "Vote for LuaSandbox on Plesk"

Installation under Windows

Mainframe98 (talkcontribs)

I tried to install LuaSandbox under windows using the pre-built DLLs. It turns out that the lua5.1.dll DLL should not be kept in the same place as the extension, but in the PHP directory itself (where php.exe is located).

Reply to "Installation under Windows" (talkcontribs)

Hello there, I would like to know if LuaSandbox is compatible with Openlitespeed? I'm running a private MediaWiki site and want to shift to Openlitespeed so want to confirm if LuaSandbox will work on Openlitespeed.

Thank you

Reply to "Compatibility"
Summary by Legoktm

LuaSandbox is compatible with PHP 8.1. (talkcontribs)


do you have a date for php 8.1 support?


Legoktm (talkcontribs)

LuaSandbox should already be compatible with PHP 8.1. Are you running into any issues? (talkcontribs)


My reverence was not up to date, everything is now good :)


Step on how to build LuaSandbox Extension for windows

Kolept (talkcontribs)

May I know where I can get luasandbox extension for windows? and the installation or build step for windows.

Reply to "Step on how to build LuaSandbox Extension for windows" (talkcontribs)


do you have a date for php 8 support?


Legoktm (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Php 8 compatibility"
Alex Mashin (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Memory leak"
Alex Mashin (talkcontribs)
Reply to "luasandbox test"