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Latest comment: 8 years ago by Lekikoudu47 in topic Cool

Please do not post support questions here.

Instead, use one of these channels:

Further options for contacting appropriate people can be found at Communication .

About improvement of Installation page




It is said that "Local or command line access is needed for running maintenance scripts" but it is not true anymore using extension:MaintenanceShell. --almaghi 09:27, 16 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

Questions about MediaWiki installation (assuming this talk page is not supposed to be a support forum)


--> Please go instead to Project:Support desk

Are there MWs for MySql323 available?


Our isp will not upgrade its mysql version. Is there a way to get MW running?

Use a version of MediaWiki older than 1.6. robchurch | talk 13:01, 30 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

On Help:FAQ user Robchurch removed the link to Installation Guide with a comment "Don't link to Meta, the installation guides there are all shit". The recommendation there instead is the read the INSTALL file in the distribution archive. If this is the right thing to do we should be consistent and recommend the same thing on this page. -- Barrylb 05:02, 9 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

meta:Help:Installation now points to here Manual:Installation (on this site) so I guess that comment is out-of-date.
On a related point though... Why do we have two different pages Installation and Manual:Installation? Should these be merged? (see also Project talk:Manual#Manual: namespace)
-- Harry Wood 18:32, 27 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Parse error 1.7.0 and 1.7.1


Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /..../includes/Exception.php on line 114

Any ideas?

Apprently as of MediaWIki 1.7.X, PHP 5.X is required; otherwise you get this error.
-- Hemebond 08:21, 13 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

possible solution for the error above!


had same error

my failure was: at the same machine 2 versions of php were running, 4.x and then 5.x ..

just check it if u do 'php -v' in your shell..

i used manualy the path to the 5.x php and it worked ^^

can be "fixed" to "overwrite" the old php with editing the .bashrc in your homedir..

*open the file with 'pico .bashrc'
*find a nice place for the line, can be on end (scroll down with "page down")
*add new line --> alias php='/usr/local/php/bin/php'

(adjust the path to your path!) and it should work then with 'php update.php' otherwise : '/usr/local/php/bin/php update.php' ^^


Is there a version of MediaWiki available which uses flat-files?


Would be great, since I can install PHP, but MySQL would be an overkill when running next to MSSQL and IIS.

Nope there isn't, many other wiki engines do though, google 'wikimatrix' --Rick 15:24, 17 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Moved from top --20:59, 3 August 2006 (UTC)


This page states that media wiki requires mysql-3.23 or greater, but when I go to install, the installer page gives me an error:

  1. Attempting to connect to database server as politics...success.
  2. Connected to 3.23.58 -- mysql 4.0 or later required. Aborting.

This page should be updated to reflect the dependency on mysql-4.0 or higher!!!


Windows versions


Could I run MediaWiki engine on Windows XP Home Edition? - Vald 22:39, 1 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Yes, if you install a server (Apache recommended), with PHP and MySQL. You can experiment with Windows but it's not recommended in production (Linux recommended, with PHP and MySQL). ~ Seb35 13:17, 2 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Nah, use a real OS in production, like FreeBSD or Solaris, running Apache with PHP and MySQL. robchurch | talk 13:01, 30 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

PHP 4 should use 1.6.8


Please change the text. It says to use version 1.6.7 if you must use PHP 4. However, this should read, 1.6.8. Also, please provide a direct link from that text to the download page. I would have made the change myself, but the page is protected. --Jcarroll 20:51, 31 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Bdk fixed the version number (my error) and I've added some links. --HappyDog 00:07, 2 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Now it should say 1.6.9 --Rob Zako 04:55, 15 January 2007 (UTC)Reply
Done. --HappyDog 15:46, 15 January 2007 (UTC)Reply

PHP4 should use 1.6.10


Same story again: The PHP4 version is now 1.6.10. Cristan 00:30, 12 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

I have replaced the version number by {{Template:MW ancient release number}} -- Duesentrieb 12:28, 12 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Please add number of current version to this page


Hi -- I'm trying to work out what version to use (if you have PHP V. This you need Media Wiki V. That) ... it would be very helpful if you listed a) the current version and b) whether there's much different in the wiki version. Then we can make some kind of assessment about what to do. Thanks hugely. Jonathan.

Mediawiki with Ingres Database


Ingres is working on a port of mediawiki: http://community.ingres.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1105

The result: http://community.ingres.com/wiki/Special:Version

I can't install the software, in my server


When I try install Media wiki, says( the text inside [] is not part of the log): "

Checking environment... [ <-- the title]
Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems.

Warning: set_time_limit() [function.set-time-limit]: Cannot set time limit in safe mode in /www/sites/1/[webdomain]/k/z/[subdomain]/site/[subdirectory]/install-utils.inc on line 31

PHP 5.2.1 installed 
Found database drivers for: MySQL 
Warning: PHP's safe mode is active. You may have problems caused by this, particularly if using image uploads. 
PHP server API is cgi; using ugly URLs (index.php?title=Page_Title) 
Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support. 
PHP's memory_limit is 8M. If this is too low, installation may fail! Attempting to raise limit to 20M... failed. 
No zlib support. 
Couldn't find Turck MMCache, eAccelerator or APC. Object caching functions cannot be used.
GNU diff3 not found.
Couldn't find GD library or ImageMagick; image thumbnailing disabled. 
Installation directory: [ I don't want write it]
Script URI path: [ (there is a subdirectory) I don't want write it] 
Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki. 
Warning: $wgSecretKey key is insecure, generated with mt_rand(). Consider changing it manually. 
Generating configuration file...

Database type: MySQL 
Loading class: DatabaseMysql
Attempting to connect to database server as [database server]...success. 
Connected to 5.0.26-log; enabling MySQL 4.1/5.0 charset mode 
Database [database server name] exists 
There are already MediaWiki tables in this database. Checking if updates are needed... 
...hitcounter table already exists.
...querycache table already exists.
...objectcache table already exists.
Creating categorylinks table...Query "CREATE TABLE `[prefix]categorylinks` (
 cl_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 cl_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
 cl_sortkey varchar(86) binary NOT NULL default '',
 cl_timestamp timestamp NOT NULL,
 UNIQUE KEY cl_from(cl_from,cl_to),
 KEY cl_sortkey(cl_to,cl_sortkey),
 KEY cl_timestamp(cl_to,cl_timestamp)
 ) TYPE=InnoDB
" failed with error code "Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes ([here said the SQL Adress, I don't want write it])".

The last part says:

" failed with error code "Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes ( [here said the SQL Adress, I don't want write it] )".

I think that is the error, and it don't install. 'What I can do? (to installing)

  • If you know the answer, answer it, please, here. (thanks)
  • If the writing (my writing) is not so good, is because I am a Spanish speaker

this is my IP adress in this moment: 22:26, 23 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

This patch can fix this problem

diff -ur maintenance/archives/patch-categorylinks.sql mediawiki/maintenance/archives/patch-categorylinks.sql
--- maintenance/archives/patch-categorylinks.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:39:14 2007
+++ mediawiki/maintenance/archives/patch-categorylinks.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:47:22 2007
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
  -- This key is trouble. It's incomplete, AND it's too big
  -- when collation is set to UTF-8. Bleeeacch!
-  KEY cl_sortkey(cl_to,cl_sortkey),
+  KEY cl_sortkey(cl_to,cl_sortkey(78)),
  -- Not really used?
  KEY cl_timestamp(cl_to,cl_timestamp)
diff -ur maintenance/archives/patch-job.sql mediawiki/maintenance/archives/patch-job.sql
--- maintenance/archives/patch-job.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:39:14 2007
+++ mediawiki/maintenance/archives/patch-job.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:49:01 2007
@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@
  job_params blob NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY job_id (job_id),
-  KEY (job_cmd, job_namespace, job_title)
+  KEY (job_cmd(160), job_namespace, job_title(160))
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
diff -ur maintenance/mysql5/tables-binary.sql mediawiki/maintenance/mysql5/tables-binary.sql
--- maintenance/mysql5/tables-binary.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:39:14 2007
+++ mediawiki/maintenance/mysql5/tables-binary.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:48:49 2007
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
  UNIQUE KEY cl_from (cl_from,cl_to),
  -- We always sort within a given category...
-  KEY cl_sortkey (cl_to,cl_sortkey),
+  KEY cl_sortkey (cl_to,cl_sortkey(78)),
  -- Not really used?
  KEY cl_timestamp (cl_to,cl_timestamp)
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
  job_params blob NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY job_id (job_id),
-  KEY (job_cmd, job_namespace, job_title)
+  KEY (job_cmd(160), job_namespace, job_title(160))

-- Details of updates to cached special pages
diff -ur maintenance/mysql5/tables.sql mediawiki/maintenance/mysql5/tables.sql
--- maintenance/mysql5/tables.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:39:14 2007
+++ mediawiki/maintenance/mysql5/tables.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:47:56 2007
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
  UNIQUE KEY cl_from (cl_from,cl_to),
  -- We always sort within a given category...
-  KEY cl_sortkey (cl_to,cl_sortkey),
+  KEY cl_sortkey (cl_to,cl_sortkey(78)),
  -- Not really used?
  KEY cl_timestamp (cl_to,cl_timestamp)
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
  job_params blob NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY job_id (job_id),
-  KEY (job_cmd, job_namespace, job_title)
+  KEY (job_cmd(160), job_namespace, job_title(160))

-- Details of updates to cached special pages
diff -ur maintenance/tables.sql mediawiki/maintenance/tables.sql
--- maintenance/tables.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:39:15 2007
+++ mediawiki/maintenance/tables.sql	Thu Jun 14 17:48:30 2007
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
  UNIQUE KEY cl_from (cl_from,cl_to),
  -- We always sort within a given category...
-  KEY cl_sortkey (cl_to,cl_sortkey),
+  KEY cl_sortkey (cl_to,cl_sortkey(78)),
  -- Not really used?
  KEY cl_timestamp (cl_to,cl_timestamp)
@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@
  job_params blob NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY job_id (job_id),
-  KEY (job_cmd, job_namespace, job_title)
+  KEY (job_cmd(160), job_namespace, job_title(160))
) TYPE=InnoDB;

--- Bart Tapolsky. email to: bart {at} tapolsky {dot} com {dot} ua


Please include this into the installation instruction.

Downloading MySQL


How do you download MySQL? Because on their website, there is no download button. -- 20:54, 7 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

problems with mysql 5


hey there, it took me an hour after i found out how to solve the problem, wierd that its not documented anywhere, cause i beleve the guy that set up the local mysql server here did nothing than just set it up so its supposed to be default ... however

if your installation fails on an mysql5 with an error stating that a blob isnt allowed to have a default value, try it with a mysql-config-change: disable STRICT_TRANS_TABLES

Call for structured installation references - accurate, complete, contemporaneous


Note: This is a DISCUSSION page - please leave discussions in place, and if you're not interested in discussing what someone else is, please do not delete our contributions. Thank you in advance for your respect for other's discussions.

What prompted that? --HappyDog 11:27, 16 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Peter Blaise responds: "Someone" deleting my attempt to post this before - in other words, quashing my attempt to discuss this. May I suggest that instead of deleting anything one disagrees with, rather, ignore or respond. But do not delete, especially in a discussion forum. -- Peter Blaise peterblaise 14:07, 16 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Well, in that vein please do not edit previous discussions, particularly other people's comments. I did not write "HappyDog says:" at the start of my response, and it is not standard wiki format, nor my style, to do so. Similarly, you edited the text above my response, possibly placing it in a different context to the one in which it was made, which is another no-no. As you say, treat these like a discussion forum - once it is posted it generally shouldn't be edited (except for trivial changes, e.g. link fixing, typos, etc.)--HappyDog 01:54, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

How to assemble a puzzle without a picture to follow?:

Peter Blaise says: Without an accurate (complete) installation guide (including how to intentionally install support programs - Apache/IIS, MySQL/PostgreSQL, PHP, etc.), I've had trouble consistently installing MediaWiki software in a variety of environments, and therefore have had trouble "selling" MediaWiki to my co-workers (and there are many who might otherwise have adopted MediaWiki by now). While I appreciate that there are other sources for general installation instructions and troubleshooting for the individual sub-parts that support MediaWiki, say, for Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP, PHPMyAdmin and so on, none of those independent sources targets MediaWiki as their reason for being or reason for documenting, and scant few have ANY reference to MediaWiki at all. If we do not support MediaWiki here, including all the sub-parts, then where?

"To get started, download all the files you need, then read the "getting started" from within the files you just downloaded so you'll know how to get started." Huh?:

Now, if you want to install MediaWiki, they say, "read the "readme" in the download." So, we have to figure out how to download something first, and then read what we need. Ludicrous! Only after we've gotten started can we then read what we need to get started? Sadly, I've noticed that "read me" files are equally incomplete and imprecise as are the manifold support pages on MediaWiki.org. At least, why not quote the "read me" that's in the install files right here on MediaWiki.org and have the user community enhance them, eh?

We COULD get our Wiki's elsewhere:

My goal is to enhance the success of MediaWiki, so why not build an accurate, complete set of installation guides here (or SOMEWHERE that is referenced from MediaWiki.org) so we can read them FIRST and intelligently prepare for our MediaWiki installations. In other words, does anyone else feel the incentive to maintain an accurate, complete set of installation checklists somewhere, lists that are in a processional order (beginning to end, with interdependencies between separate programs), with success checks (how do I confirm that I have successfully installed, say, MySQL before taking the next install steps ... and so on?)

Package deals like Wiki-on-WOS (see http://www.chsoftware.net/en/useware/wos/wos.htm?action=download ) set it all up and I've found that Wiki-on-WOS works as promised, but is initially single user only (for development or personal use), and can than only be shared over an Intranet using a hand-typed-in list of local IP addresses. This is probably useful for a small in-house intranet only, sharability wise. However, it appears perfect suited for development - it's intented audience. Search for others like w:en:WAMP , w:en:XAMPP and so on. And see non-MediaWiki wikis at http://www.wikimatrix.org/ and w:en:Comparison of wiki software

What would an organized decision tree that leads to MediaWiki installation success look like?:

In building a "How to install and maintain a MediaWiki" manual, I imagine a decision tree where we can share our discoveries, step by step along the way, and eventually have a reference that assists future MediaWiki adopters, perhaps a decision tree with separate pages, or once we've decided our environment (Intranet/Web, slef-host/ISP, Windows/Linux and so on), a separate page or group of pages with everything for that environment:

  • Audience:
Intranet or Web
  • Stage:
Self-host or ISP
  • Operating system:
Windows or Linux
  • Web server:
IIS or Apache
  • Database:
MySQL or PostgreSQL
  • MediaWiki
  • Internal Enhancements:
Extensions, and so on
  • External Enhancements:
PHPMyAdmin, cache, and so on

In building a overview that organizes a table of contents like the one above, I see we're missing a great deal of necessary support info at MediaWiki.org. Surely this has all been done before since there are many successful MediaWiki installs out there. HELP! Isn't anyone taking notes and reporting back to a master "installation" guide to keep it accurate, make it complete, and keep it contemporaneous? I think the most significant problems impeding success are:

(a) Scattered: the haphazard spread of MediaWiki support documentation across many sites and namespaces and
(b) Page-based: the linear page layout of MediaWiki which makes it hard to document alternate paths (say, Lin versus Win, then IIS versus Apache, and so on). Oh well.

Yes, I'm familiar with Manual:Installation which is Linux only, and I'm familiar with Manual:Installing MediaWiki on Windows XP - MediaWiki 1.9.2 which is Windows and IIS (and OLD IIS!) not Windows and Apache, and Manual:Simple Windows Apache Installation for Windows and Apache but seems not up to date and overly brief. None of our shared resources have installation checks and troubleshooting. We seem to be handling troubleshooting on a case-by-case bases as presented one at a time in a panic.

Please respond with your ideas -- or better yet, just do it! I'll contribute what I can, but I haven't had much installation success to share yet, hence my struggles here, trying to find a place to connect with successful MediaWikians! -- Peter Blaise peterblaise 14:31, 29 May 2007 (UTC) peterblaise 14:07, 16 June 2007 (UTC)Reply


Peter Blaise says: "In order to enhance the success of MediaWiki, why not have an accurate, complete set of installation guides here" Well, why not indeed? Why didn't I think of that? So simple. I'll go write them now - I've got 5 minutes to spare! </sarcasm> Short answer: They will be written when somebody writes them. Perhaps that person could be you? Or perhaps not. Either way, this is a volunteer project, so we can't force anyone to do anything. I think we are all quite aware of where our documentation is lacking, and at some point it will get fixed. Until then, why not write up your experiences in a way that will help other people? If everyone who struggled to get it installed came back and wrote about the solution they eventually worked out, then eventually it would simply be a matter of re-factoring to get a decent guide. --HappyDog 11:27, 16 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Peter Blaise responds: Sarcasm aside, we think as one!  ;-) Wikipedia, for instance, appears to be an immense challenge for anyone to have built by stopping what they were doing and having "5 minutes to spare". But that's really how it was built - 5 minutes from each person ... times millions. Ok, there are only hundreds for MediaWiki.org, but nonetheless, all I'm asking is for 5 minutes of CONTRIBUTION on occasion for each visitor to share, as you say, their success stories. One trick I've learned is to check the user contributions for anyone who seems helpful in one place, and I find that their other contributions are equally helpful. Check my user contributions Special:Contributions/Peterblaise to see what I've shared since the above. And everyone else - PLEASE pitch in. Thanks. -- Peter Blaise peterblaise 14:07, 16 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
It is also worth pointing out that MW.org is not Wikipedia. OK, that's obvious (well, actually, not perhaps not so obvious based on the number of encyclopaedic edits I have to delete...) but my point is that Wikipedia is exciting. An encyclopedia is an exciting reference work to work on, and one which anyone can contribute to, whatever their level of knowledge. A software manual is a comparatively boring reference work to work on, and one which requires quite specific knowledge that a lot of visitors to the site simply don't have. Plus, the people with the real knowledge are much more likely (and much more usefully, one could argue) to be out there working on the software, not the documentation. Don't get me wrong - all (well, nearly all) contributions are useful, and they all nudge us closed to our goal, but the changes you are demanding above are not going to happen overnight! --HappyDog 01:54, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Email features


In the requirement it could be a good thing to mention the need of pear and the module mail with all the deps.qsdf

Mysql error 1064

  I used WAMP5 to install PHP + Mysql + Apache.Mysql version is 5.0.41.but when I try to import a .sql editon which is 500G large of enwiki-20060219-pages-meta-history.xml.7z into mysql,I come to an error:
 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'odo]] 
','utf-8'); INSERT INTO text (old_id,old_text,old_fla (1064) - odo]]
Does anyone know how to solve it?

Mediawiki and Postgresql - requirement


For beginners (linux as well as mediawiki), it would be very useful to note in the requirement that some distributions (e.g.: Debian) need to install the contrib-package for tsearch2 or plpgsql (e.g.:Debian: postgresql-contrib-8.1 for tsearch2.).

About PHP 6


I know that PHP 6 is still under development, but has anybody found a way to install MediaWiki on PHP 6? CielProfond 2007-12-18 04:20UTC...

Installation seemed okay, but pages load verrrrrrry slowly


The webmaster for our department server did a basic installation of MediaWiki at my request, then turned the files and responsibilities over to me (also at my request). The wiki is operational, but as the headline suggests it takes a surprisingly long time to load any page within the wiki (often 10-15 seconds, far longer than either non-wiki pages on our or other servers, and far longer than pages from other MediaWikis, including this one). And when I replaced the 24K Logo image, with a sleeker 7K image, it seems to be taking if anything even longer, often 20-30 seconds. I've spent quite a while poring through the MediaWiki site and haven't found an obvious possibility to even explore. Again, the pages do get loaded. Eventually! Any ideas? Thanks! ---- Alan H 21:33, 6 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Same here. Looks like the following code make slow querries to database: (CategoryViewer::doCategoryQuery)

Instalación en español


Hola! Qurría tener un wiki, pero no entiendio muy bien ingles. Alguien me puede explicar los pasos en español? Gracias-- 15:46, 11 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Issue with PHP and Apache integration


There is an issue with PHP and Apache integration that I have noted on a new Integrating MediaWiki with Apache page that I've created. I link to that page elsewhere and wanted to add a link to it from this page but don't have sufficient edit privileges to do so. I recommend that this edit be made to this page by an authorized user.

"Creative Commons" left out of license notice for CC-by-SA


If you install a wiki with CC-by-SA with version 1.15.2, it seems to say "Content is available under Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported" when it should mention the Creative Commons. I guess this is the Creative Commons' fault, right? Tisane 20:10, 27 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Partially. Creative Commons leaves that out of their license selector because it's implied.
$exit = urlencode( "$wgServer{$conf->ScriptPath}/config/$script?License=cc&RightsUrl=[license_url]&RightsText=[license_name]&RightsCode=[license_code]&RightsIcon=[license_button]" );
is the part in config/index.php (or config/Installer.php in 1.16) that determines what license name is selected when the Creative Commons license selector passes control back to the MediaWiki installer. As you can see, RightsText is being set to the returned license_name without any modification. I checked Bugzilla and couldn't find open bugs covering this issue. It should be easy enough to fix, so you can go ahead open up a new bug about this issue. If you want to change the text on an existing installation, just set $wgRightsText to the full license name. Reach Out to the Truth 21:59, 27 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

mediawiki installation with oracle


how i can install mw1.17 with oracle on linux. i did not found any information for oracle.why people do not go with oracle.it is secure and robust also.for mw developers should develop extension for oracle also.


After you install Oracle and the Oracle/PHP extension (http://php.net/manual/en/book.oci8.php), try to install MediaWiki using the web based installer. In the database section, you should have a section for configuration with Oracle. --Cneubauer 18:31, 18 July 2011 (UTC)Reply
Oracle support is currently broken. It's possible to tinker your way through installation with the web based installer, but from there and on you'll be seeing a lot of ORA-00904.-- 10:10, 31 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Johnny machine gun


Playing games Jock567788Jack (talk) 05:03, 16 December 2015 (UTC)Reply



Cool Lekikoudu47 (talk) 23:41, 11 April 2016 (UTC)Reply