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Talk:Content translation/fr

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Désactiver le nouvel outil de traduction

Peacekeeper44 (talkcontribs)

J'aimerai désactiver cet outil, qui est activé par défaut. je préfère de loin l'ancien outil qui est plus facile et moins compliqué à utiliser.Peacekeeper44 (talk) 06:47, 3 May 2019 (UTC)

Reply to "Désactiver le nouvel outil de traduction"
VIGNERON (talkcontribs)


Is there some global statistics of use of ContentTranslation? I could look up at every Wikipedia "Special:Tags" and count the "contenttranslation" tag but isn't there a recap somewhere? and is there other stats, like the tag only give me the destination language, is there any way to know the origin language ?

Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)


On each Wiki there is an analytics page with both global and local stats. You can check it for French, English or other language Wikipedias by adjusting the url.

This page also points to other analytics resources that may be useful. There is also an API for published translations that can be used.

Reply to "Statistics of use"
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