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Talk:Berlin Hackathon 2011

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Cannot register

I can fill the request form and I get an answer, but it is an error message which is repeated indefinitely. Here you can see it: Image:Hackaton-screenshot-1.png (You have to select at least one category) Which category? How to select it? Where?

Ralf Roletschek (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Photos"
Hashar (talkcontribs)

I would need some precisions regarding the date and time of the events.

The page says the sessions is from Friday 13th till Sunday 15th. Does it covers the full three days?

If there are people in Berlin on Friday morning and something to do on Sunday evening, I will take my plane on Thursday 12 till Monday 16th with four nights. That would let me get a cheaper trip and spend more time hacking / meeting people :-b

Freakolowsky (talkcontribs)

I'm there from 12th afternoon - 17th morning ... the cheapest flight i could get :D

Purodha (talkcontribs)

I plan to be there earlier or longer or both, too. No time set yet.

Reply to "exact dates :p"
Purodha (talkcontribs)

The link to the registration form works for me, but there is a "login" link going to an XML error page, and submitting the registration form yields another XML error page. I tried to register via e-mail to the address given on the form but got no reply so far.

Purodha (talkcontribs)

I got a double e-mail reply a couple of hours ago with my registeration details.

Reply to "Cannot register"
Hashar (talkcontribs)


It would be great if you can arrange a map of the various locations: - points of arrival (airport, railway station) - hotel / accommodation places - betahaus

Would it be possible to get the routes from a point to another? Specially which bus line / subway to take including the direction and the name of stations :)

Purodha (talkcontribs)

I've added few links to the nearest subway station, connection finder, etc. to the betahaus.

Reply to "map of the locations"
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