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Summer of Code 2011/management/status

From mediawiki.org

Last update on: 2012-11-20



Sumana Harihareswara was hired as a contractor to help out with Google Summer of Code 2011 and the Berlin Developer meeting.



Sumana Harihareswara sent a call for students for the upcoming summer of code. Developers are now signing up as students and mentors, and projects are being discussed. Read the dedicated article to learn more and join us.



More than 25 proposals were submitted. Sumana Harihareswara announced the eight students and projects that were selected for this year's Google Summer of Code. The projects include interface improvements using AJAX, extension release management and work on Semantic MediaWiki. Students and mentors have now entered the "community bonding" period. (Read more.)



In May, our eight Summer of Code students learned how MediaWiki works, as software and as a community. They checked out IRC and the mailing lists, talked with their mentors, asked for commit access, and started investigating the components that would include their project areas. On May 23rd, they started working on their projects full-time. WMF staffers and community members are mentoring the students, assisted by Sumana Harihareswara.



Our eight Summer of Code students continued working on their projects full-time, and all are now committing code. Wikimedia employees and volunteer are mentoring the students, assisted by Sumana Harihareswara. They are preparing for their mid-term evaluations, to take place in mid-July.



7 out of 8 students made it through the mid-term evaluation, and continue to work on their projects (read more).



In August, the GSoC students finished their projects and students and mentors turned in their final evaluations; all seven remaining students passed. They started to write to the wikitech-l mailing list to summarize what they finished and what still needs to be done. For example, Salvatore Ingala wrote an integration howto to guide other MediaWiki developers in merging his code into trunk. Students are expected to upload representative tarballs of their code into the Google Code portfolio repository.



All seven GSoC students passed. Most projects are in a good shape, even if not totally complete. Sumana Harihareswara is now working on getting the students' code reviewed and polished before it can be merged and used on production wikis.



Sumana Harihareswara, Neil Kandalgaonkar and Max Semenik attended the GSoC mentor summit in Mountain View, California. Students Salvatore Ingala and Kevin Brown made progress on integrating their summers' work into MediaWiki trunk, during the New Orleans hackathon; much of the GSoC students' work remains to be integrated into MediaWiki core or extensions.



Sumana Harihareswara, Salvatore Ingala, Kevin Brown, and Yuvi Panda followed up on improvements and fixes, towards the goal of getting Ingala's, Brown's, and Panda's projects deployed on Wikimedia projects.



Neil Kandalgaonkar met with the Internet Archive about progress on ArchiveLinks; they are awaiting fixes and improvements in ArchiveLinks before it can go live. Yuvaraj Pandian fixed several issues with his offline article selection project, SelectionSifter, towards getting the code to a deployable state. Roan Kattouw made plans to review and merge Salvatore Ingala's gadgets project during his ResourceLoader 2 work in February 2012.



Merges of student code from GSoC 2011 were substantially on hold in January as developer attention focused on the deployment of MediaWiki 1.19.



After contact from Sumana Harihareswara, GSoC students Kevin Brown and Akshay Agarwal have returned to their projects, working towards the goal of getting them deployed and in use on Wikimedia wikis.



After contact from Sumana Harihareswara, GSoC students Kevin Brown and Akshay Agarwal have returned to their projects, working towards the goal of getting them deployed and in use on Wikimedia wikis.



A wikitech-l discussion of new user account creation drew former GSoC student Akshay Agarwal out of the woodwork to complete work on his SignupAPI extension. WMF engineers are planning to collaborate with him this autumn. Also, WMF engineers plan to review student Salvatore Ingala's Gadgets work as they improve ResourceLoader this fall.



Neil Harris is now working on getting Kevin Brown's ArchiveLinks project completed and deployed. This activity page ("Summer of Code 2011") is now being retired; in the future, status updates will be on the Mentorship programs page.