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Skin talk:Vector/2022/Flow

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Please use Talk:Reading/Web/Desktop_Improvements for any feedback on the design.

This board is not actively monitored by the development team at time of writing (April 20th 2022). If you have feedback to be taken into account for design, please use Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements instead to ensure your feedback is seen by the right people and taken into consideration.

Vector-2022 - How to enable new type of TOC?

Szitnik (talkcontribs)

How to add a new type of TOC the Vector-2022 skin?

For example, on my page (https://wiki.zitnik.si/Datasets) I would like to have generated TOC on the left side of the page - similar as here (Manual:Extensions), where Contents is shown on the left.

I have found no option to enable this?

Reply to "Vector-2022 - How to enable new type of TOC?"
Jdlrobson (talkcontribs)

This board is not actively monitored by the development team at time of writing (April 20th 2022). If you have feedback to be taken into account for design, please use Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements instead to ensure your feedback is seen by the right people and taken into consideration.

If you are a third party feel free to ask questions here. Somebody should be monitoring and able to help.

Tucvbif (talkcontribs)

Tonight size of left panel is increased too much. It covers more than ¼ screen now. https://imgur.com/3YJlcii Can I reduce size of panel, as it was before?

Nizil Shah (talkcontribs)

I agree with that.

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Why some words are changed

Summary by Jdlrobson

This was a bug and has since been resolved.

JrandWP (talkcontribs)

Why some words buttons (Read-->View; View history-->History) changed? It seems strange.

Dylsss (talkcontribs)

Vector 2022 uses separate messages than legacy vector, so local customizations also need to be applied to the new messages, otherwise they use the default.

Jdlrobson (talkcontribs)

Is it possible to expand sidebar by default for visitors?

Summary by Jdlrobson

$wgVectorDefaultSidebarVisibleForAuthorisedUser = true; $wgVectorDefaultSidebarVisibleForAnonymousUser = true; (talkcontribs)

When a visitor comes to my wiki, sidebar is loading as collapsed. Is it possible to expand it by default?

Summary by Jdlrobson

See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T297979#7649088 for similar concerns and the process by which is was decided. I'm sure this feedback would be helpful there.

Schierbecker (talkcontribs)

The watchlist icon too closely resembles a hamburger menu button. I can see many clicking the button thinking it is a dropdown menu. Some may lose unsaved edits after clicking it.

Schierbecker (talkcontribs)

"Contributions" should not be right next to the "log off" option in the user menu. too easy to log off by accident. Contributions should be at the top of the menu.

The watchlist icon too closely resembles a hamburger menu button. I can see many clicking the button thinking it is a dropdown menu. Some may lose unsaved edits after clicking it.

ArexCell (talkcontribs)

I updated my logo to 50x50 px .svg and change the $wgLogos = ['svg' => "path/to/svg_version.svg", in LocalSettings.php.

The logo is visible with the Legacy Vector but not with Vector/2022. Is the MediaWiki Logo a wordmark or a separate logo + sitename? Please help

Saammaa (talkcontribs)

Vector 2022 do not read the config "svg" but uses "icon" instead.

To change the logo on left-top of the 2022 version of skin Vector just edit the $wgLogos as below in LocalSettings.php:

$wgLogos = [
	'1x' => "/resources/assets/wiki.png",
	'icon' => "/resources/assets/mediawiki.svg",
	'wordmark' => ['src' => "/resources/assets/mediawiki-wordmark.svg"],

Note that the size of this icon is locked in 50px, whatever the original size of your image is, however we can still reduce the rendering size by increasing the inner margin of the image.

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