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Scrum of scrums/2018-09-19

From mediawiki.org




  • Release Engineering: please help us to resolve train blockers, the train is not moving forward until they are resolved
    • T204758 EchoForeignWikiRequest emits PHP error "Undefined index: csrftoken"
    • T204797 [Regression 1.32.0-wmf.22] ParserOutput::getLanguageLinks returns invalid values (Undefined index from ApiParse and LinksUpdate)
    • T204826 EchoForeignWikiRequest emits PHP error "Undefined index: query"





Community Tech

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:

Anti-Harassment Tools



  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
    • Updates:
    • Moved MobileFrontend's VisualEditor styles back to MobileFrontend
    • Fixed scrolling OOUI dialogs on iOS


  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:


  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Various fixes for Content Translation v2 to be deployed with this week's train.



iOS native app


Android native app

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Wrapping up navigation design updates/refinements.

Readers Web

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Mobile website (MinervaNeue / MobileFrontend):
      • Fix Edit schema EventLogging T204584 T203615
      • Maintenance and bug fixes T197884 T199066
      • Design and product auditing special pages in Minerva
    • Supporting Readers hiring processes

Readers Infrastructure

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • MCS, PCS: Nothing particularly exciting.
    • Maps:
      • Prod upgrade to stretch in progress
      • Beta testing of tilerator resource change events for purging map tiles is in progress
        • Need change-propagation deployed for the next step


  • Updates
    • File page with multi-lingual captions in review
    • MCR work has begun
    • Artwork/editing wikidata design continue
    • Looking into restore old revisions
    • Refining structured data search prototype
    • hiring!


  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:

Patches needing review from other teams https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/460032 - Deprecate Preprocessor_Hash (Mediawiki Platform) https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/460200 - Preprocessor dependency in wikibase (WMDE) https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/458898 / https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/458899 - Remex on translatewiki (Language Team / Niklas) https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/446766 - BCP47 in Babel extension (Language Team / Niklas)

UI Standardization

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • UI Standardization: Rolled-out OOUI Special:Preferences with user-experience improvements to Beta-Cluster yesterday, on normal train next week.

https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Improve_Special_Preferences_user_experience_and_convert_to_OOUI Have a look at https://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:Preferences …and provide feedback for any issues – https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T180538




  • Blocked by:
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  • Updates:

Cloud Services

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  • Updates:

Fundraising Tech

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Trying to rescue data scrambled by a payments-wiki bug last Thursday
    • Fixing bugs in latest CiviCRM point release
    • Supporting Amazon Alexa donations
    • Still working on CentralNotice / translate issues

MediaWiki Core Platform

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • working on session themes for Wikimedia Technical Conference
    • actor table and comment table deployment unblocked by DC switch, writing to new schema enabled on test wikis and mediawiki.org
    • worked with Reedy to stop deploying symfony polyfills we don't need (gerrit:460464) - 3.5k less lines of code!


  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Starting perf testing on low-power Android Go phones
    • Looking at moving our WebPageTest setup to bare metal - working with SRE to do optimization testing
    • Analyzing sitemaps value
    • Quieting some of our alerts, so that they don't bother SRE (only us)
    • Prepped documentation on how to respond to performance alerts, aimed at engineering teams that are not Perf in order to speed up cycle time: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Performance/Regressions
    • Helped investigated slowness of the recent changes API
    • Major triage of mediawiki-database and wikimedia-prod-errors Phab dashboards

Release Engineering

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Train Health:
      • no train last week due to DC switchover, train continues this week
      • Three blockers so far :(
        • T204758 EchoForeignWikiRequest emits PHP error "Undefined index: csrftoken"
        • T204797 [Regression 1.32.0-wmf.22] ParserOutput::getLanguageLinks returns invalid values (Undefined index from ApiParse and LinksUpdate)
        • T204826 EchoForeignWikiRequest emits PHP error "Undefined index: query"
    • Log Health: No complains. This time.
    • Code Health:
      • Code Health Metrics Working Group Kickoff last week
      • Code Health Metrics Working Group meeting this week - further discuss/define the workgroup's scope and next steps



Scoring Platform

  • Blocked by: None
  • Blocking: None
  • Updates:
   ** PoolCounter for ORES is deployed
   ** Working on design of secondary tables for JADE and using MCR in JADE

Search Platform

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  • Updates:


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  • Blocked by:
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  • Updates:

Site Reliability Engineering

  • Blocked by:
    • None
  • Blocking:
    • None
  • Updates:
    • Goal planning in process
    • Switchover went very well, switchback on week of Oct 8th
    • Work on Apache traffic server continuing
    • PHP7 work continuing, php 7.2 part stalled as no CI+mediawiki test acceptance yet
    • Icinga upgrade to stretch ongoing (should be uneventful, but still FYI)


  • Blocked by:
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  • Updates:

German Technical Wishlist

  • Blocked by:
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  • Updates:

Multi-Content Revisions

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • software development for file caption and statement support in MCR is complete
    • deployment is in progress
      • switch to "read new" on testwiki this week followed by mediawiki.org after a few days of testing