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Scrum of scrums/2018-06-13

From mediawiki.org









iOS native app


Android native app

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Readers Web


Readers Infrastructure

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  • Updates:
    • Safari Reading List extension coming soon, awaiting final QA signoff.
    • Two new engineers.
    • Supporting lang variants in MCS: Passing Accept-Language header to Parsoid. Soon: sending the uselang parameter to MW API requests.
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  • Updates:


  • Quarterly goal dependency update
    • Prepare for launch of the first Structured Data on Commons feature (multilingual file captions)
      • SDC depends on Multimedia, SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki Platform, Research
      • Preparations continue - MCR and other dependencies are well tracked for this
      • OOUI work now implicates some of our fine friends in Contributors - esp. Collaboration - been talking with Moriel to get a good high-level view of what's needed
    • Integrate structured file captions into search
      • SDC depends on Search Platform, Multimedia
      • Cormac (our lead on the search work) is out until next week, but our work on search is well ahead of schedule to my knowledge
    • Assess user needs for contributors to Structured Data on Commons with interviews and surveys - T171252
      • Research depends on Multimedia
      • As far as I know, Pam has been supporting this work, but no engineering time is needed?



Community Tech

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  • Updates:
  • Working on PageTriage improvements
    • GlobalPreferences and CodeMirror are still upon us

Anti-Harassment Tools



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    • No blockers known
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    • No blocking known
  • Updates:
    • Poem extension integrated into parsoid, reviewed, waiting for merge
    • Cite extension work is done and waiting for review
    • Tidy to Remex switch over nearly complete
    • We are planning to do the final switch from Tidy -> RemexHtml for all wikis on the wikimedia cluster on July 5th
    • C Scott' s work on language subsystem just beginning review


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  • Updates:
    • ContentTranslation Version 2 work continue; We are inviting some users to try it out!
    • Draft purge script in progress. Thanks to suggestions from DBAs.

Audiences Design


UI Standardization

    • OOUI – v0.27.3 special release last Thu
      • 4 style/code improvement/regression fixes.
    • v0.27.4 in preparation for next Tue
    • Continuing work on Design Style Guide




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  • Updates:
    • Discussion with coms and site and measuring pageviews for new wikimediafoundation site.
    • Ops goals for quarter done. Others still in progress.
    • Working with security and legal on data map, should be done by end of quarter.
    • Old geowiki system completely shut down (removing puppet code), we put the new data in superset (dashboard being vetted).
    • Changes continue to selectively purge data in hadoop for eventlogging backend.
    • Adding "permalinks" to Wikistats2.

Cloud Services

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Fundraising Tech

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  • Updates:
    • DonationInterface: working through bugs revealed in 1 hr trial of main CC processor's new API

MediaWiki Platform

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Release Engineering

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  • Updates
    • Please take the Beta Cluster survey:
    • Heads up: There will be more people in the normal MW Train deployment rotation (namely: Antoine, Zeljko, and Dan to start) and we'll be doing some Train deployments during EU hours some weeks. Exact timing TBA (soon).
  • Quarterly cross-dependencies



Scoring Platform


Search Platform



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Site Reliability Engineering



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    • None (that we know of)
  • Updates:
    • Investigating ways of migrating away from the unmaintainable wb_terms database table
    • Improving editor experience of the recently launched lexemes on Wikidata
    • Prototyping a mobile user interface for editing labels, descriptions, etc of items and properties

German Technical Wishlist

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SoS Meeting Bookkeeping

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