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Scrum of scrums/2018-01-10

From mediawiki.org


  • Search PF would like somebody from performance/MediaWiki team to look at: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T183101 we’ve got some fails on LinksUpdate which blocked search index update which makes Wikidata items invisible in search (~50 items)
    • [Perf] We've been looking at it, but we haven't identified a cause for this issue yet.
    • [SP] I guess we will just watch out for it and hope it was an one-time thing.
  • [Perf] Trying to compile a list of everything running in Prod that requires Zend PHP5. Currently only aware of the XML dump job (has syntax errors in output if run under HHVM). Anything else, please reach out to Ian (email: imarlier@, irc: marlier)
  • Reminder: Whitelist your EventLogging schema if you want data older than 90 days to be retained, talk to the Analytics team if you're not sure what this means





iOS native app

  • Blocked by: none
  • Blocking: none
  • Updates:
    • Continuing work on 5.8 - synced reading lists

Android native app

  • Blocked by: Patch to unblock DELETE endpoints in varnish: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/402433 DONE!
  • Blocking: none
  • Updates:
    • Completed work to integrate with the new Reading List service! Continuing to test and measure performance.

Reading Infrastructure

  • Blocked by: ops on https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/402433/ <= this is already merged since 2018-01-09
  • Blocking: none
  • Updates:
    • working on request batching in reading list service
    • continuing work on WP0 piracy
    • Summary endpoint switchover from TextExtracts to PCS implementation planned for Wednesday
    • wrapping up media and references endpoints
    • metadata and CSS endpoints to follow


  • Wrapping up a rework of the mobile web beta/settings page.
  • Nothing new to report with regards to challenges/deliverables


  • Blocked by: Services team
  • Blocking: None
  • Updates
    • Everyone is back from vacation
    • Several issues waiting on service team


  • Nothing to report




  • Sole update: Approaching additional wikis for replacing Tidy on those wikis on Jan 31st.

Global Collaboration


Community Tech

  • Investigating new year's proposals
  • Will file for security/performance/DBA review for GlobalPreferences today

UI Standardization


Also we significantly reduced SVG file size for our interface elements by up to 21% with fine-tuned markup optimizations.



Technical Operations

  • Blocking:
    • None
  • Blocked:
  • Updates
    • s5 => s8 migration for wikidata completed successfully. Feel free to reach out to DBAs for followup questions and/or details
    • meltdown/spectre week, ops busy with the mitigations, do expect some slower response times
    • This is a big hardware refresh quarter. Work is already decided and prioritized, but please do provide input when/if requested ASAP. Thanks

Release Engineering

  • Blocking
    • None?
  • Blocked
    • ops: zuul package update (blocks gerrit upgrade)
    • ops: node-tunnel-agent package update (blocks moving node testing to docker in ci)
  • Updates
    • 2 weeks of normal MediaWiki deploys (this and next) followed by 2 weeks of no MediaWiki but SWATs as needed (DevSummit/All Hands followed by RelEng team offsite)
    • Currently building nightlies of Mediawiki on the new “releases” (aka non-CI) Jenkins host. Working with Security on best way to handle security patches (which is the goal, to ensure security patches stay cleanly applicable).


  • Blocking: None
  • Blocked: None
  • Updates
    • As noted above, we've been investigating LinksUpdate failures, haven't been able to identify a cause at this point, haven't been able to reproduce.
    • Fixes to Thumbor implementation happening as issues are reported (no major ones at this point)
    • Published the first in a series of blog posts detailing how we measure performance: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/phame/post/view/83/measuring_wikipedia_page_load_times/
    • Trying to get a list of everything running in Prod that requires PHP5 (Zend) -- only thing that I know of for sure is the XML dump job.


  • No updates
  • Sam and Brian are traveling this week
  • Darian's last day is January 15th

Fundraising Tech

  • Blocking: None
  • Blocked: None
  • Updates:
    • Upstreaming stuff to Civi
    • Making our Amazon Pay SDK fork support TCP proxy
    • Re-starting work on new API for our main credit card processor
    • Stats projects:

Scoring Platform



  • https://superset.wikimedia.org You can now create dashboards on top of druid data, no automatic user creation. Created users for PMs and analysts, let us know if you want a user. Perf to be seen.
  • Clickstream data now public. Research community has access to the paths readers follow through the site (aggreggated counts, not per user)
  • Eventlogging purging on master box almost done.
  • Working on wikistats UI bugs and small features to make project selection more friendly, once the UI tweaks are done we will leave this work on backburner until next year.
  • Work on new set of APIs to return pageviews per country continues. Privacy study of this data: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Analytics/AQS/Pageviews/Pageviews_by_country
  • Meeting with Asaf for our next big project: geowiki (editors per country, quite sensitive data)

    • Mostly quiet (holidays)

Search Platform



  • Gaining speed after the holidays.
  • Working on Lexeme continues, now working on diffs: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T182424
  • Working on Quality Constraint integration continues, 1.0 rollout planned for Q1.
  • Preparing for Developer Summit.
  • Planning collaboration with Multimedia (MediaInfo) as well as Search for Q1.

MediaWiki Platform


SoS meeting

  • ggellerman has ongoing conflicts, looking for another facilitator every other week
  • Check in on goals here, talk about cross-team dependencies in this meeting, rather than waiting until the end of each quarter.