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Scrum of scrums/2017-11-08

From mediawiki.org




  • No MW Train the week of the 20th due to Thanksgiving, SWATs will be open on Mon and Tuesday (Wednesday is “Friday” that week).
  • RelEng: Please port your browser tests to the nodejs framework. 7 repositories have not started yet (still in ruby, which is no longer maintained). task
  • Tidy replacement: if you are an editor on some wiki, please get the word out to your wikis to fix the high-priority linter issues. We want to get Tidy removed from the cluster sooner than later.A bunch of wikis (including mediawiki) no longer have Tidy, and a few 100 small wikis can get Tidy replaced based on stats about linter issues ( https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Parsing/Replacing_Tidy/Linter/Stats/2017-11-06#Wikis_with_zero_high-priority_errors ). But would be good to get some largish wikis moved over so we can identify any lingering problems sooner than later.





iOS native app


Android native app

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  • Updates:
    • Released version 2.6.206 to production.
    • Continuing to test / integrate with Reading List service.

Reading Web


Reading Infrastructure

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  • Updates:
    • Continuing work on MCS summary, media (gallery) endpoints.
    • Continuing with Reading Lists


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  • Updates:
    • continuing work on portal automation. going well.
  • Blocked by: N/A
  • Blocking: N/A
  • Updates: None




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  • section + figure-inline + html5-ids changes aren't going out this week after all -- reviews not yet finalized + we need thorough testing in beta cluster. We are still hoping to get it out next week.
  • Tidy replacement: if you are an editor on some wiki, please get the word out to your wikis to fix the high-priority linter issues. We want to get Tidy removed from the cluster sooner than later. A bunch of wikis (including mediawiki) no longer have Tidy, and a few 100 small wikis can get Tidy replaced based on stats about linter issues

Global Collaboration

  • Blocked by: nobody
  • Blocking: ops maybe? There's the Flow dumps issue but not sure how much of a blocker that is
  • Updates:
    • Going to roll out RCFilters to remaining (FlaggedRevs) wikis on Nov 15
    • Early work on using wikitext instead of HTML for storing Flow content, need something like pcache except 1) it's Parsoid HTML not PHP HTML 2) Flow comments aren't pages

UI Standardization


Community Tech





  • New kafka Jumbo cluster is up, for now mirror-ing topics from analytics cluster.
  • New DB hosts for eventlogging back in place, purging data out of compliance at a faster rate due to better hardware.
  • We have spark2 in cluster!
  • Still troubleshooting metric difference wikistats 1.0 on wikistats 2.0. Take a look edit metrics available now (some of them have a 5% difference, so not final yet): https://stats.wikimedia.org/v2/#/am.wikipedia.org
  • Work on refining eventlogging data in hadoop continues so hadoop can be a easy to query backend for eventlogging data

Cloud Services

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Fundraising Tech


MediaWiki Platform

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Release Engineering

  • Blocking
    • ???
  • Blocked
    • Please port your browser tests to the nodejs framework. 7 repositories have not started yet (still in ruby, which is no longer maintained).
  • Updates
    • No MW Train the week of the 20th due to Thanksgiving, SWATs will be open on Mon and Tuesday (Wednesday is “Friday” that week).
    • [TechDebt program] First pass of the service levels for component ownership was shared with the Code Health Group last week; feedback on-going.
    • [TechDebt program] The next blog post should be posted Real Soon Now™ (done on our side).
    • [SSD Program] Working on getting the mathoid tests running on submit.
    • [SSD Program] A new release of Blubber is on the horizon.
    • [scap tech debt] Working to support both pre git-2.11 and post git 2.11 hosts (namely Trusty and Jessie (with backports)/Stretch, respectively) to let us use newer functionality (notably `--jobs`).
    • [CI] Most tox jobs are moved to Docker containers
    • [CI] Investigating why many docker containers are left behind after a SIGTERM


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Scoring Platform

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  • Updates:
    • frwiki -- ongoing issue. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T179711 (should be fixed by SOS)
    • Draft quality data is coming to English Wikipedia (ping Commtech and Global Collab)
      • You can use this to help patrollers sort new pages by (Spam, Attach, Vandalism/Hoax, or OK). OK == not immediately concerning but not necessarily good.
      • [Reponse from Roan: we don't plan to use draftquality directly at this point]
    • Wikilabels getting some improvements.
      • Links to on-wiki documentation for each campaign ("info" link)
      • Statistics about labelers will have usernames
    • Amir is working on Icelandic language support.

Search Platform



  • Blocked by: None
  • Blocking: Everyone waiting for security reviews
  • Updates:
    • Reviews:
      • BeautifulSoup (done, comments will be added shortly)
      • vue.js (done, same)
      • mediawiki-services-chromium-render
    • Preparing for MW security release


  • Blocked by: none
  • Blocking: none
  • Updates:
    • Parsoid storage switched to new storage model for all but wikipedias
    • Definitions storage switched to new model
    • Planning on switching RecordLintJob to kafka-based JobQueue

Technical Operations




German Technical Wishlist

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