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Scrum of scrums/2017-02-01

From mediawiki.org






  • Last week:
    • Finished up the majority of the branding work. Unfortunately, the specs were not clear from the beginning, so we assumed that changes needed to be done on mobile web stable. Now we're looking at ways to deploy these changes to a smaller wiki (as opposed to every wiki, in beta mode only).
    • Related Pages can now be displayed to a subset of users.
    • PagePreviews schema changes.
    • Ongoing work towards enabling PagePreviews to use the RESTBase endpoint.
  • Next week: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/2460/
    • Deploy related pages to mobile french wikipedia stable channel
    • More branding work.
    • Try and finish using the RESTBase endpoint (/page in PagePreviews


  • Last week:
    • Trying to wrap up Wikidata description editing for a beta https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T155917
    • Wikidata description eventlogging in code review
    • Wikidata description UI and notification polish
    • Wikidata description edits will use Wikipedia page permissions in Android client
    • Custom cache implementation replaced with standard library implementation
  • Next week (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/2352/ ):
    • Work towards release of Wikidata description editing
    • Continue on improved offline experience

Reading Infrastructure

Mobile Content Service (MCS)

iOS native app


Community Tech





  • Blocked - Spec for ReviewStream/state table. We're working to resolve this with Research and Analytics.
  • Blocking - None
  • Updates:
    • RC Filters UI:
      • Add 'remove' and 'restore defaults' to filter list
      • Read default states of filters
    • Echo and Flow bug fixes

German Technical Wishlist

  • Working on 2ColConflict resolution UI.
  • Looking for another name for the "2ColConflict" extension.
  • Working on redesigning the form on top of Special:Search.






  • Security Reviews:
    • OIT Apps
    • Newsletter extension
  • MediaWiki 1.28.1/1.27.2/1.23.16 security release is being planned with RelEng; no date schedule yet



Technical Operations

  • Blocked:
    • None
  • Blocking:
    • None
  • Updates:
    • Filippo taking over SoS from Alex for TechOps
    • TechOps working on the DC preparation goal mostly

Fundraising Tech



  • No blockers
  • Working on A/B tests for crosswiki searches
  • Working on ElasticSearch 5 upgrade
  • Working on improving wikidata search
  • Added indexing by content model in ES (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T156371) and contentmodel: keyword



Release Engineering

  • Blocked
    • None
  • Blocking
    • None
  • Updates
    • scap 3.5 released