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Scrum of scrums/2015-09-02

From mediawiki.org






  • Beta release (2.0.110-beta-2015-08-31); some nice outside contributions in this release
  • Good mix of RESTBase content service work in the sprint; strong support from gwicke and mobrovac
  • CI still cooking
  • Final legacy release coming up
  • Nearby maps beta release coming up
  • Better search prioritization; when searching for "obama", the Barack Obama article now appears before "I Got a Crush... on Obama"




  • No blocker/blocking.
  • OPs/DB: We will request review for new DB tables for Content Translation by next week.
  • CX: Bug fixes and Suggestions - In progress.


  • No new blockers.
  • Parsoid V3 api is now in production. C.Scott and Krenair have been working to migrate VirtualRestService (VRS) in core to use that (VRS connects clients to either RESTBase or to Parsoid directly -- in WMF configurations, it is always RESTBase). They are also working to get all clients to use VRS so that we can then turn off and remove Parsoid V1 and V2 apis after determining there are no other known users of those older APIs in production.


  • We're officially moving on to workflows and global notifications as our next two big things. We're doing prep work for those now.
  • We're about to release a Beta feature for opt-in Flow on user talk, along with a connected GuidedTour. This is now merged.
  • We'll soon be allowing links in Flow topic titles.
  • Finishing up some links-tables related issues. This is merged, so we'll be doing it in production soon.



Release Engineering

  • Blocking: (none)
  • Blocked by: Technical Operations
  • Updates:
    • Went over our key objectives for next quarter
      • Migrate all services owned projects and MediaWiki to use new "scap3" for deployments
      • Investigating the scope of a Gerrit-to-Phabricator migration (i.e. what parts we can accomplish in the next two quarters)
      • Reduce CI queued time via nodepool (part of the overall Isolation project but more narrow in scope)
    • Deployment tooling implementation continues
    • Presentation tomorrow during Metric Meeting on voting end-to-end (browser) tests
    • Progress on building base diskimage builder image for nodepool

Technical Operations


Fundraising Tech

  • Deploying big changes to CentralNotice everywhere at 2 PM Pacific!
  • Work continues on new Amazon integration and change to WorldPay CC processing
  • Improving logging on payments cluster
  • Fixing issues with FR Vagrant roles
  • Created scripts to automate CC refunds because a bug that was up for a week showed errors on some successful donations




  • Working with ops on the Pageview API (puppet + hardware)
  • Working with mobile apps teams on identifying page previews through X-Analytics
  • Found a bug in pykafka, which we need to fully move Event Logging to kafka, fixing upstream
  • Nuria is back from maternity leave, not working Fridays
  • Kevin's on vacation, ping Dan if you need analytics


  • Working on setting up A/B test for ElasticSearch suggestions
  • Working on inter-wiki searches
  • Blocked:
  • Blocking:

Community Tech

  • No blockers at the moment
  • Ryan on vacation till next week
  • Working on Citation Bot and Database reports broken on enwiki