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Scrum of scrums/2015-07-01

From mediawiki.org






  • We were planning to release to production this week, but TSG found a significant bug, and also due to a couple other elusive bugs, we'll go through another Beta cycle, and release to production next week.


  • Version 4.1.6 is delayed due to being re-uploaded (now build version 150). We hope it passes Apple review within the next 5-10 business days.


  • Blockers:
    • James has a new, ongoing SoS meeting conflict, which Discovery will resolve in order to remain represented.
  • Blocking: none (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/blocked-on-search/)
    • Ops is depending on us for multi datacenter work
  • Updates:
    • Preparing for Wikimania
    • Experimenting with the *Easy* tag in Phabriactor for community involvement
    • Labs map service is down
    • Team roles are shuffling this week


  • vital signs now has the new official pageview definition, updated daily: http://vital-signs.wmflabs.org/
  • Event Logging on Kafka work continues, load tests without parallelization show that we can't go beyond 1000 events per second with our current setup
  • we continue to work on dashboards and fix broken dashboards, come to us if you need help with that (example: http://extdist-reportcard.wmflabs.org/ )
  • mobile dashboard has been down for a while, we are going to split up "reading" from "editing" graphs, the editing graphs will stay disabled for now
  • conversation about unique identifiers continues, ops, security, and execs all looped in


  • Content Translation:
    • 8000 articles!
    • Deployed in all wikipedias except enwiki (enwiki on 07/07)
    • Yandex coming up soon!
  • No dependencies.


  • Password policy stuff
  • Wikidata Quality review done, WMDE developers are still fixing stuff
  • CentralAuth mobile domain login
  • T99941 (restricted) can be closed (thanks ops!)


  • Section editing API finished, to be deployed likely next week
  • Various bug fixes and improvements on RESTBase
  • Cassandra troubleshooting - REALLY need those new nodes up desperately



Fundraising Tech

  • Andrew Green's Central Notice refactor continues: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T100686
    • "ending up as a very big change, and includes a huge amount of cruft cleanout and reorganization of code... Since it runs everywhere and impacts performance, we probably should get input from other teams"
    • Got some great feedback from Performance and Mobile, would welcome more from them or anyone else
  • Putting together the last backend pieces for fundraising in Brazil, starting work on additional payment methods
  • Working on importing payments from Square Cash
  • More refactoring of our CiviCRM modules

Release Engineering

  • Blocking: (none)
  • Blocked by: (none)
  • Updates:
    • Trying to figure out the best way to package nodepool instance for CI without needing root on a prod server
    • Working on Gerrit/Zuul jobs that will run a subset of browser (end-to-end) tests for MW extensions
    • Continuing to upgrade browser-test suites to use mw-selenium 1.x
    • Reviving a year-old patch to isolate a MediaWiki backend instance in Beta Cluster for security scanning
    • No longer hiring for Automation Engineer because we lost our req :(

Technical operations

  • Blocking: none
  • Blocked: none
  • Updates
  • Cassandra woes continuing
  • Dynamic directors for varnish
  • Finished automation of introducing a new wmf service
  • Leap second


  • Finished "Day 8" of LiquidThreads -> Flow conversions (250 additional pages)
  • Converted all of Wikipedia_talk namespace on Catalan Wikipedia to Flow (except for certain exceptions like subpages); all new pages in this namespace will also be Flow
  • Continued preparatory work on search
  • Continued work on OOjs UI