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This page is a translated version of the page Reading/Web/Projects/Mobile Page Issues and the translation is 59% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

显示有关页面内容的消息的模板不会显示在移动维基媒体网站上。 这使读者不知道他们正在阅读的页面的可靠性。 This lack of transparency can be problematic, especially in cases where pages flagged for serious concerns, like hoax articles or pages for deletion, are not visible.

读者网站团队希望改善移动网站上页面问题的处理方式(从ambox模板及其跨wiki 变体开始)。 目标是包括对问题本身的性质以及问题严重性的描述。 这些更改将帮助用户更好地判断他们正在阅读的页面的可靠性。 Additionally, displaying these warnings could spark readers’ interest in Wikimedia projects, potentially increasing their engagement as contributors.



We have published a draft of our full report with the results of our A/B tests. Overall, we saw a large increase in awareness with the new treatment for page issues. We also noticed that users tend to have higher engagement with issues of higher severity than those of medium or low severity.

We will be continuing with the last series of deployments on English wikipedia later this week.

  • We have deployed the feature to all Wikipedias, except English Wikipedia

  • We have finished the final stages of the analysis of the results from our A/B tests:


We will be launching an A/B test of the feature on the following wikis:

  • 波斯语, 俄语, 日语, 英语
  • The test will run for two weeks
  • We will be tracking the performance of the feature quantitatively but also hope to receive some feedback from readers and editors as well.

We have launched an A/B test of the feature on Latvian Wikipedia




These notices are actually special templates inserted into the content of the article.


Each notice in the article has its own template, and each template uses a meta-template called {{Ambox}} (Article message box). Ambox uses a Lua module called Module:Message box. Other MediaWiki namespaces like categories and talk pages have notices that are specific to their namespace as well.




这种更新发生在现代移动网络甚至存在之前。 尽管维基媒体基金会后来努力将这些通知带入移动网络,但它们仍然不是非常适合移动设备。 作为起点,此提案将重点关注改进基于{{Ambox}}的文章命名空间中的注意事项模板。


在当前的移动维基媒体网站上,我们不会呈现整个{{Ambox}}模板。 相反,我们会在文章标题下方显示一个带有“页面问题”文本的小灰色链接。 单击时,将显示包含问题列表的叠加层。某些通知具有模板的“紧凑”版本的文本。 可用时,仅显示紧凑版本的文本。


当前实现依赖于修改{{ Ambox}}模板生成的HTML。 对模板HTML的轻微更改可能会破坏移动设备上的此功能。 当前的实现不适用于所有wiki。 模板因语言而异。 例如,法语维基百科在2016年更新了他们的消息框。 他们现在使用与英语维基百科不同的模板。 这是他们的维护模块列表。 由于此更改,移动维基百科上不会显示法语警报。




—McGeddon (talk) 10:03, 21 September 2016 (UTC)






Page issues definition

For the extent of this project (as well as in the documentation below), we will define a page as having page issues if it is within the main article namespace (NS_MAIN, 0) and contains HTML table with the CSS class ambox etc.

In English Wikipedia this means transcluding the following template (also via nested transclusion):

Interwiki equivalents with localized names will not be affected yet.

The following templates are not classed as "page issues", as they are only used in the non-article-namespace (NS_MAIN, 0) but are related to this project, in that they are collapsed for readability on mobile:

Note, any template that does not identify itself as an "ambox" is not an issue, this explicitly includes:

  • w:Template:Asbox (article stub box) - these are suggestions for improvement (not issues)


我们只会显示包含“type”参数的模板的问题严重性。 关于类型参数的更多信息可以在每个项目和wiki的ambox模板页面上看到(这里是中文维基百科的页面Issues that do not contain the type parameter within the template will still appear on the page using the default styling.

同样,只有在模板本身提供简短描述时,才能使用简短描述。 An overview of the templates that already have this text can be found on this phabricator task.


  1. 用户访问包含页面问题的页面。
  2. 用户与“页面问题”元素交互。
  3. 将向用户发送有关页面问题的详细信息。


Mobile page issues will display the following:

  • 问题说明
    • 将在可能的情况下使用该问题的简短描述。
    • 如果没有简短说明,我们将显示长格式问题说明的开头。
    • 根据空间限制,短期和长期描述的问题长度将受到限制。
  • 问题严重性
      • 严重:type=speedy、type=delete
      • 中等:type=content
      • 低:type=style
      • 提醒:type=notice、type=move、type=protection
    • 所有其他模板将以正常严重性显示。
    • 每个严重性级别都将在页面中具有自定义外观和位置。
  • 如果问题包含指向其他页面的链接,则链接将被删除。链接将显示在页面问题详细信息模式上。


Page issue showing a template with the "Severe" severity level

Page issue showing a template with the "Medium" severity level

Page issue showing a template with the "Normal" severity level


  • 对于具有单个问题的页面,严重性将从上面定义的模板派生。
  • 一个例子。如果模板{{没有脚注}}的严重性级别为中,则文章将在中级显示单页问题。()。

Multiple issues

  • 问题严重性级别将来自各个问题的严重性级别。
  • 如果文章包含模板{{多个问题}},则文章的问题级别将是可用的最高问题级别。
  • 例如,如果模板{{争议标题}}的级别为高,则文章将出现高级别问题。(示例)。
  • 每个多个问题级别将在页面内获得唯一的副本,外观和位置。
The icon for multiple issues might be generic where articles have more specific icons (e.g. low priority `sweep` icon for cleaning articles and medium priority `balance` icon for issues with article point of view) a more generic priority icon will be used. See phab:T202351 for further information.


Page issue showing the page has multiple issues

Multiple issues without Template:Multiple issues

We do not support the case where the multiple issues template is not used. If several issues are adjacent to one another but are not wrapped in the multiple issues template, then there are potential problems with the display - in particular with icon display. See phab:T202349 for further discussion.



Potential future improvements

Once we put these styles in place, we would like to look at being able to provide them in a more centralized way by delivering mobile-friendly CSS using the TemplateStyles extension. This will allow us to cover a larger percentage of templates with specialized treatment and give more power to template editors to select the specialized treatment for each template.







  • 定性研究:
    • 读者是否注意到新的页面问题处理比目前的处理更多?
    • 读者是否注意到新版本的B版(标题)比版本A(没有标题)更多?
    • 读者是否注意到位于引导段落之后的页面问题通知比它们位于页面顶部更多?
  • 定量研究:
    • 基于新问题处理(从文章页面到问题模式)的点击率是否有所增加?
    • 问题的严重性与点击率之间是否存在相关性?


  • 定量研究:
    • RQ1:页面问题对读者有意义吗?
    • RQ2:读者是否关心页面问题?他们发现它们有用吗?重要吗?
    • RQ3:读者是否已经熟悉页面问题?他们在其他文章上看到过吗?
    • RQ4:读者是否了解页面问题的工作原理?换句话说,它们如何出现在页面上?
    • RQ5:是否意识到页面问题会改变读者对维基百科的看法?


  • 读者如何形成关于维基百科页面的质量和可靠性的意见?
  • 读者是否更关心维基百科所考虑的问题,其严重程度高于被认为严重程度较低的问题?
  • 由于对页面问题的认识提高,哪些反馈循环(如果有)被激活?例如,移动编辑会随着页面问题作为引荐来源而增加吗?新问题治疗方案的变化会影响问题的清除率吗?




  • 跨语言
  • 跨越不同类型的模板
  • 文章内的位置



  • 文本长度
    • 许多Ambox消息的长度很长,不适合移动设备。
  • 桌面特定的HTML
    • 使用{{Ambox}}的模板大量使用表格进行布局,这在移动设备上不起作用。
  • 特定于语言的HTML
    • {{Ambox}}各种语言的HTML输出不同,几乎不可能一致地提取消息内容并将其重新用于移动设备。






修改MobileFrontend / Minerva CSS以容纳现有模板标记






如前所述,{{Ambox}}模板生成的HTML会有所不同。它可以随时以任何语言改变。我们不应该阻碍这些变化,但要确保贡献者能够将它们适应新的环境,例如移动设备。 It can change at any time and in any language. We shouldn't hinder these changes, but make sure that contributors can adapt them to new contexts, such as mobile.

将语义属性添加到{{Ambox}}HTML可以为我们提供必要的“钩子”来提取Ambox内容。然后我们可以在移动设备上以适当的方式呈现它。我们可以提供模板编辑器可以插入其模板的一组标准属性。无论使用何种模板或语言都可以。这些属性可以是机器可读的,这意味着它们可以被解析或提取。例如,[移动应用程序]消费的页面内容服务。这些语义属性对读者来说是不可见的。它们不会影响现有模板的外观。 We could then present it in an appropriate way on mobile. We could provide a standard set of attributes that template editors can insert into their templates. This would work regardless of the template used or language. These attributes could be "machine readable" which means they can be parsed or extracted. For example like the Page Content Service for consumption by the mobile apps. These semantic attributes would be invisible to readers. They would not effect the appearance of existing templates.

语义HTML属性属于microformats类别。我们的想法是扩展HTML以能够令机器可读的方式表达非常特定类型的数据。我们可以使用属性扩展Ambox HTML以将模板标识为具有各种属性的消息框。这些属性可能包括优先级、日期和可操作步骤等内容然后可以解析该信息。消费者可以包括移动网站和应用程序还以移动友好的方式呈现给最终用户。 The idea is to extend HTML with the ability to express very specific types of data, in a way that is machine readable. We could extend the Ambox HTML with attributes to identify the templates as "message boxes" with various properties. These properties could include things like priority, date, and actionable steps. This information could then be parsed. Consumers could include the mobile site and apps. Also presented to end-users in a mobile friendly fashion.




<div vocab="https://meta.wikimedia.org/ContentSchemas" typeof="MessageBox" name="Citations needs">
    <span property="summary">
    This article needs additional citations for verification.
Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.
<small property="date" content="2017-06-01">
    (June 2017)
    <a property="action" href="/wiki/Help:Maintenance_template_removal" title="Help:Maintenance template removal">
        Learn how and when to remove this template message






使用MediaWiki API和此脚本在各种语言中获取了大量的“页面问题”模板。该脚本解析属于特定类别的模板。例如在英语维基百科上,它解析属于Category:文章消息模板类别成员的所有模板。然后在添加了CSS的HTML表格中呈现模板,以查看哪些模板可以紧凑,还生成了紧凑模板的总和。 The script parses templates that belong to a specific category. For example, on English Wikipedia it parses all the templates that are members of the category Category:Article message templates. The templates are then rendered in an HTML table with CSS added to see which can be made compact or not. A sum of the compact templates is also generated.



Project Implementation

Design goals and cross-wiki compatibility

High level design goals:

  1. Compact: page issues come in a wide variety of lengths, but screen space on phones is limited and we want to respect the reader's desire to access the content, so we decided the banners needed to be compact (two lines of text, or roughly 62px tall max).

We hope that in turn template editors will further refine page issue descriptions to (more) succinctly describe the issue.

  1. Easy to understand: there are over 300 unique page issues on English Wikipedia, many with beautiful, custom icons.

While editors may be familiar with each individual issue we wanted a way to simplify them for readers. In a Vector-like manner we chose severity (i.e. type) as the main concept to communicate visually using 5 generic, globally understandable icons.

  1. Easy to engage with: we think that it's important for readers to have the opportunity to easily access additional information about a page issue, and perhaps even be intrigued enough to try fixing it.

While many page issues have various links embedded in their descriptions, we wanted to focus the reader's attention on a single action: Learn more. The consistent placement of the blue Learn more link makes it easy for anyone to further engage with an issue they discover.

Here is an example of an ideal page issue banner:

Compatibility across Wikis:

Since page issues are not structured in any way across the hundreds of Wiki projects we knew there would be a large compatibility challenge. In other words, there was no simple way for us to render all page issues from all projects in a consistent manner on mobile devices that met our design goals listed above. Since we are most familiar English Wikipedia we decided to anchor the rendering code around how English page issues are formatted. Page issues on some other Wikis work quite well out of the box (e.g. Japanese, Chinese), however for other projects reformatting of page issue templates will be necessary in order to get them to play nicely with how we render them on mobile.

Here are a few examples from various Wikis that explain what kinds of fixes we recommend:

意大利语 波兰语 西班牙语 俄语
We recommend removing the colored border to the left of the banner, and instead using the provided icons. We recommend differing the icon to the one provided, and constraining the width to two lines of text. We recommend differing the icon to the one provided, and constraining the width to two lines of text. This is almost ideal, however the text need to be constrained to two lines.
link link link link

Making page issues (ambox templates) mobile friendly

See also