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Previous action items

  • Ramsey to create Drive entry for InVision app demos
    • DONE
  • Max to create Kanban board for team separate from backlog
    • DONE
  • Max to alternate backlog grooming and prioritization
    • DONE
  • Max to circulate Luis Villa's blog post on backlogs
    • DONE
  • For next retro: Is backlog cruft still a problem, and do we want to formally separate will-not-work from will-work?
  • Devs to get together to draft a norm around code review
  • Amanda to start SDoC update emails again
    • Will try Mon or tomorrow
  • Amanda to show team where to ask for CL help (new CL process)
    • DONE
  • Max to email out: What is SOP for archiving retros?

Carryover from last retro

  • How do we want to do roadmap and quarterly planning for The Future™?
  • What happens to the designer req after SDoC? Who is responsible for 3D design?
  • Is backlog cruft still a problem, and do we want to formally separate will-not-work from will-work?

What aspects of team process are going well?

  • standups! feel like we're settling into a groove
    • What about them?
      • They're going smoothly, they're informative, I feel like we're successfully keeping each other in the loop with what we're all doing
  • Work board has greatly improved the organization of work
    • How?
      • It's easier to see what we're doing *now* as opposed to $someday
  • Things are getting done! Patches, 3D upload, research into MediaInfo, etc.
    • Why?
  • My code reviews got turned around nice and quickly :)
    • Because of...?
      • Because we're making an attempt at following the "code review norm" of reviewing next business day
  • 3D beta deploy, painful as it was, eventually made prod deploy go smooth
    • What aspect of process was responsible? :)
      • The org process of deploying things - not really a "team" thing
  • Max is using every question word in this retro :D

What aspects of team process are going poorly?

  • /me scratches head
  • Our giant backlog is making me kinda anxious, would like to talk about that a bit
    • In a world where the team is humming, and things are turned around quickly, I dunno if we will ever get there. There is a lot of undocumented knowledge on bugs. Thinking about All Hands, it would be cool to set aside a few hours and triage everything so that we can use columns as intended.
      • Mark: Telecommute meeting would work, too.
      • Ramsey: Backlog is huge, yes. Some old stff that might not be relevant to MM team. Soon, we're gonna prioritize SDoC, maybe the whole team. We'll have to figure out if we can get to these things in a timely fashion. Mediainfo, prototyping, etc. Upcoming is mainly Mediainfo, after that it's really busy. Maybe not be able to take on anything from backlog
        • CP: Not take on, just classify. Maybe identify for future work to take on.
  • Task planning was not too efficient (figuring out prio of MediaInfo vs existing old things)
    • Waiting on our SDoC work is part of this. Soon it will be easier, 3D will be done. We won't have to do anything for MP3. Next week, Mediainfo.
      • Matthias: Agree, and having no clear idea of what is IN the backlog is an added challenge. Some confusion about grooming vs planning.
        • Ramsey: Grooming will be more about SDoC in the future.

What aspects of team process are confusing?

  • Though we did our first planning meeting this week, the work to do still seems less than exactly defined
  • Think we've a bit of learning to do still on planning versus grooming, and what's expected from each meeting

// Yes Resolved is below part of "confusing" or a last item from last week? <-- It's carryover, but seemed like a good spot since it was questions. :)

  • How do we want to do roadmap and quarterly planning for The Future™?
    • Currently have a high level roadmap to be refined. Goes to 2019. Do we need a more specific roadmap for this team?
      • CP: We got what we got and it's fine.
      • Mark: As we do Q planning we might need a framework down the line
        • Ramsey: Do we want to break prototyping into Phab tasks?
  • What happens to the designer req after SDoC? Who is responsible for 3D design?
    • Mark wrote this and feels a little less confused, though if others have concerns we can speak about it
  • Is backlog cruft still a problem, and do we want to formally separate will-not-work from will-work?

Action Items

  • Ramsey to take stab at sorting out the backlog cruft, classifying untriaged work. Also, will keep a list of things that need dev attn.
  • Amanda to send out visualized Phab task tree.
  • Max to swap Grooming and Planning
  • Cormac to handle circulating retro notes for review and posting them on MW
  • Mark will put the retro publishing instructions at the top of this etherpad because documentation