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Quality Assurance SIG/20190118

From mediawiki.org

Attendess: Greg, Zeljko, Elena, Erik, JR, Edward, Anthony



   * Welcome Edward

   ** Introductions

   ** Misc QA context setting


   * Sharing is caring

   ** JR:  Code Health activities for Q3

   *** Working with CPT on tool and process improvement for unit and integration testing.

   *** Andre and I are working on Code Review improvement.  Scoping it out at the moment and looking for form a WG shortly.

   *** Code Health Metric WG is looking working on generalization of SonarQube as well as reporting results/data back to Gerrit/CI.  Currently working with Search Platform for POC.  


   ** Elena:

   *** Engagement Emails

   **** It would be good to have email working in Betalab


   ** Erik:

   *** Need to setup more clusters in Beta cluster as production is currently running 3 so some code doesn't get exercised in Betacluster


   ** Anthony:

   *** There's going to be more suff coming on the mobile side.

   **** Gamefication of getting titles filled in for articles and translations.  

   **** Onborading work with Edward


   ** Greg:

   *** Two people for developer productivity are ramping up within RelEng.

   **** Focused on local development



   ** Edward:

   *** What kind of tools does the foundation use for QA management and reporting?

   **** Greg: anything that is needed for phabricator can be asked from upstream.