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Bu proje sayfası, VikiÇiftlik posta listesinde yapılan işin odak noktasıdır.
What is a WikiFarm?
A WikiFarm is a "farm" that grows wikis. There are a number of specific goals to be achieved:
- Centralized configuration of the individual wikis
- Centralized authentication and authorization
- Shared local files and resources
- Shared wiki files (i.e., images with ForeignDBRepo)
Projects in the pipe
- Evaluate current wikifarm extensions, see what they do, and how they can be improved.
- MediaWiki-Vagrant would make a good tool to use for setting up a farm
- Get Extension:OpenID to a state where it can be easily and stably configured as an inter-wiki authentication service.
- Really wikifarms should just use the
- Really wikifarms should just use the