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Notifications/Comment les classer ?

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Notifications/Sorting schemes and the translation is 20% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

La question globale est la suivante : comment séparons-nous les types de notification (par ex. "nouveau message sur votre page", "votre modification a été annulée", "une page que vous avez créée a été liée sur une autre", "remerciements", etc.) Le classement actuellement en usage a plusieurs problèmes.

Il existe 2 alternatives plus cohérentes entre lesquelles l'équipe est en cours de choix, et sur lesquels elle souhaite vos retours (préférences, les éventuels soucis). After some feedback we have decided to keep only one alternative to the current scheme (April 2016). The team wants your feedback on it (your preferences, or concerns). The recommendation is we start off with the "By urgency" grouping (prototype).

Please share your feedback at tâche T123018 or here on MediaWiki.org.

Problèmes à résoudre

There are currently two Notification flyout menus, one for Alerts and one for Messages. Different notification types show up on different menus. There have been criticism over time that the scheme for dividing up the messages is unclear and/or inconsistent. Ces critiques incluent:

  • L'idée d'urgence et de réponse attendue sont mélangées, ce qui rend compliqué d'expliquer le systèmes ou pourquoi les notifications atterrissent dans une catégorie donnée.
  • Actuellement, les notifications de type alerte sont automatiquement marquées comme lues en ouvrant l'indicateur de notification. Yet some of these require follow-up or other action to be fully understood (e.g., Mention), so this feature's value is not always clear.
  • Because "Alerts" are perceived as "Urgent", the "Thanks" and other items seem out of place in that flyout.


  • Créer un classement facile à comprendre, apprendre et anticiper.
  • Donner aux contributeurs des informations plus claires sur leurs notifications.
  • Réduire les distractions générées par les notifications pas urgentes.
  • Something that works well for editors who get large (and small) quantities of notifications.
  • Something that scales well, as new (requested) notification types are created.
  • Something that scales well, once cross-wiki notifications are available.


Des exemples des notifications courantes sont consultables sur File:Notifications Catalog.png


  1. Version actuelle
  2. Urgent - pas urgent
  3. (formerly and now abandoned) Retours - pas de retours (une réponse est-elle attendue ou probable)

(This table has no annotations, and just shows the most common notification-types. See a more detailed version here at googledocs which also includes a 3rd and 4th (more complicated) alternative.)

Two Alternative Schemes for Separating Notifications into the 2 Different Flyout Menus
View Mockup of this Concept in Action
welcome Modification de ma page de discussion Modification de ma page de discussion welcome
Modification annulée flow-new-topic Modification annulée Page liée
Page liée flow-post-reply Mention Remerciements
Mention flow-post-edited Modification des droits d’utilisateur flow-thank
Modification des droits d’utilisateur flow-topic-renamed Courriel d’un autre utilisateur flow-new-topic
Courriel d’un autre utilisateur flow-mention flow-post-edited flow-post-reply
Remerciements flow-mention flow-topic-renamed
flow-thank cx-first-translation
cx-first-translation cx-tenth-translation
cx-tenth-translation cx-hundredth-translation
Ideas of Urgency and Follow up are mingled in ways that are inconsistent, making this difficult to explain or predict. Division, while subjective, is clear and will track with some users' expectations (given the red badge color). The division is subjective. Given differing working styles, some users will disagree with assignment of individual items.
Because some "Alert" items require follow-up and are not self-contained (e.g., Mention), ability to Mark as Read on open is of questionable value Factor of urgency may provide an aid to triage ("check these first")
Because alerts are perceived as Urgent, Thank Yous and other items seem out of place.
In this scheme, an effort was made to determine the messages that users would want to know right away vs. those that they may regard as less pressing. Urgency was more or less arrived at by consensus in consultation with various team members. What to label these: "Alerts" works reasonably well, since it does carry a connotation of urgency. But many of the Alerts are arguably Messages as well (e.g., edit-user-talk). Suggest "Notices" as not sounding to deprecatory but connoting a lower level of urgency.
The red, "Urgent," badge color for Alerts is recommended for this scheme. In labelling the non-urgent items, we need to be careful that some groups (e.g., Translation) don't perceive that we are labelling their activities less important.
Many of the Urgent (Alert) items require follow-up (e.g., edit-user-talk), so use of automatic Mark as Read is not recommended.