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Multimedia/Standup notes/2018/September

From mediawiki.org



PL: what's going on with translatewiki???



Not around - midwife info session

  • Working on search prototype feedback


  • Meetings!
  • Posting the old revision thingy
  • Checking in on talk page posts


  • Meeting day was Meeting Day, shocking I know
  • Today: Hiring stuff (almost done with resumés!)


  • Finishing up the big Depicts clickable prototype


  • Meetings. 8 scheduled, perhaps 7-9 actually attended? We'll see!


  • Still going on MCR ... there's something up with search, so digging into that


  • Helping out with more MW core stuff.
  • [PL] Thoughts about an SDC Engineering board (like the SDC design/docs one), to make things easier to find?


  • Writing/reviewing grant report draft
  • Out tomorrow and Monday for moving! Still doing Q2 goal meeting, and y'all can still ping me




  • BAD NEWS: we're not going to be able launch next week
    • Wikibase patch is proving problematic - quoting Daniel "we had to go back to the drawing board today" - best case scenario is now end of next week
    • I still have maybe another day's work left on it anyway


  • Meeting dayyyy
  • If (big if) I have any time, it'll probably be spent rounding up the remaining resumés in the queue...pretty close to being done with first round of review on that


  • Worked on file page captions feedback
  • Looking into CirrusSearch support for filtering on media type


  • So many meetings
  • Passed on some feedback to Matthias about File Captions on FP (Labs)
  • Finished updating Depcits designs... now working on explanatory text for designs
  • Made some connections with the Creative Commons folks (Dir of Product & Research and their Data Engineer) - could prove useful for the reuse scenario, as well as when SDC is done & we can be one of their collections
  • WMDE question of standardization of interfaces -> parking lot update


  • Posting about old page revisions today
  • Keeping an eye on the other things
  • Emails
  • Meetings
  • Normal Wednesday


  • yesterday: a number of interrupts to answer and ask questions but still got a decent amount of 3-5 year planning stuff done
  • today: more writing, will certainly get to summarizing Miriam's machine learning stuff
  • lots of meetings, but not as many as tomorrow!


  • Yesterday: Review/backport/deploy of an unbreak-now UW patch from Matthias, some MCR-related core code review
  • Today: More stuff, probably. Trying not to get in the way of the big beasts. :-)




  • Yesterday: Mostly just catch-up
  • Today: Resumé review and more catch-up
  • A few meetings
  • PL: What news from the front?


  • Almost finished updating designs for stakeholder review
  • Next will be working on explanatory text for the designs as a guide
  • Goal is to get a link out today to the GLAM team
  • Writing up some stuff for Nirzar/Rita re: statement designs


  • 3-5 year planning still
  • Light meeting day, but will probably have a number of interrupts


  • still working on MCR, haven't heard from Adam since noon-ish ... 2 main things left seem to be
    • showing an empty MediaInfo slot on the File page so it can be edited
    • find a cleaner way of showing the 'structured data' header (currently a very ugly hack)


  • File page thing on labs
  • Working on Pam's feedback on search proto
  • Checking UploadWizard license thingy




  • Did some work on Cormac's patch - ready to be merged, I think
  • Fixed some UW license selection issues


  • Almost out of the resumé firehose I think.
  • More email catch-up today, hopefully not too much
  • How do we look on our various bits of work pre-launch?


  • A bit of code review on Cormac's patch. think it's ready to land (with a design follow-up question -> Pam)


  • currently stuck in a WMDE meeting
  • meeting day, part 1 this week
  • more 3-5 year planning documentation
  • will try to review community consultations updates when I get a chance
  • will also try to summarize Mariam's feedback for machine-assisted depicts tagging


  • also in a meeting running over time with WMDE
  • been reviewing community consultations this morning
  • got good feedback on languages + Wikidata editor, will be sharing out
  • lots of meetings today


  • Check up on the wikis
  • Start working on the old page revision communication plan


  • MCR ... more or less there now, I think, need a Wikibase patch from Adam to make it all work


  • Writing Wikibase NYC report back email
  • Writing stakeholder review group follow up email
  • Emailing re WMDE - WMF design chats

Mark PL

  • Will statements (i.e. more than captions) be accessible via the API as of right now?
    • Do we want them to?
      • If yes, should we document it?
        • If no, are we really sure we want them to?
  • What's blocking deployment still?




  • Looking at the things we have up on the wikis: statements, SDC talk page, Wikidata discussions
  • Working on the draft Ramsey provided me about good coverage search


  • T198309 (Set testwiki MCR migration to write-both/read-new) getting deployed right now.
  • Next is T198558 (Set testwiki MCR migration to new-only), dependent on testing.
  • Wider MCR migration is scheduled for immediately after switch back to eqiad.


  • Made adjustments to the depicts statements designs (clarifying when/how artwork shows referred q items)
  • Will spend today updating designs based on our design:dev convo
  • Need to catch up on discussions...
  • Have a question about the OOUI-ification of file page


  • Updated labs (history now working)
  • Working on search proto feedback


  • Battling the inbox today
  • More meetings
  • Tomorrow: Probably more emails + resumé review


  • meeting heavy day
  • people asking me questions
  • if I have spare time/energy it'll be spent on 3-5 year planning


  • patch for Mediainfo relevant to MCR ... but for some reason wikibase tests fail because of it, waiting to here back from WMDE
  • working on review comments for File page




  • CR Cormac's patch
  • CR Daniel's patch


  • Posting on Commons about property creation
  • Posting about search good coverage?
  • Updating SDC portal for Amanda


  • Sent out email yesterday re: modal design & functionality in advance of our design:dev chat tomorrow
  • Refining the visual treatment of the referred artwork depicted items (to separate them from the M-item depicted items)
  • Need to send out SDC update
  • Afternoon doc appt, time is blocked off on calendar


  • Got through a fair bit of resumé review, going to take a break from that...
  • Meeting day as per usual
  • Need to catch up on e-mail as well, so that's my in-between-meetings activity


  • A few meetings
  • Quick chat about Daniel's patch
  • 3-5 year planning madness
  • Following up on phab tickets


  • have gotten a good bit more feedback on the File page patch, will address it tomorrow
  • progressing with MCR


  • More reviewing of Cormac's patch.
  • Trivial linting fiddles.
  • Helping review some performance-related patches for 3D and [M]MV from Ed and Timo.




  • omgwtfbbq resumés
  • Yesterday went not great - afternoon shot


  • MediaInfo history fixed
  • Answered EventLogging
  • CR Cormac's patch
  • Following restore discussion




  • Extremely productive meeting with Ramsey yesterday, so making some edits to the modal and sending an email out to the team ahead of our design-dev chat
  • Making some other edits to the artwork scenario bit for visual clarity


  • light meeting day today
  • 3-5 year planning document awesome special time


  • revised File page patch based on some comments
  • still figuring my way around on MCR






  • Restore revisions
  • CR Cormac's patch
  • Follow up on MediaInfo history page patch
  • Add isempty support in search proto


  • Made heaps of progress on the entire Depicts-Artwork-Editing WD on Commons flow
  • Looking forward to going over the flow with Ramsey in our 1:1
  • Scattered meetings today


  • Not feeling 100% today, will see how the afternoon looks
  • Probably a lot of resumé review later today, I'm probably halfway through them at this point, but need to catch up


  • Planning out captions release comms
  • Met with Sandra and Léa about property creation
  • Statements consultation


  • SDC Weekly update update
  • Asking about QCi format
  • Getting ready for Wikibase NYC
  • At conf tomorrow through Fri, ping me for anything urgent


  • relatively few meetings today
  • head-down on writing white papers for 3-5 year planning
  • bugging people about talking to other people :)


  • File page patch in review (mostly minor comments so far)
  • work on MCR has begun






  • Missing stand-up due to conflicting meeting (see Cormac's email & my reply)
  • Making revisions to the modal's first screen (the item preview) per Nirzar's request
  • Thanks, Ramsey, for making this ticket (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T204247), cannot wait to upload designs when I'm done
  • Very meetingful day :/


  • Missing standup&retro, OoO for 1.5hrs, already had a couple meetings
  • More meetings
  • Statements consultation
  • I need to start planning the Captions release


  • Meeting day, round 2, fight!
  • Will try to get round to other stuff if I can - probably swamped with manager-y stuff later in the day.


  • Fixed MediaInfo history action
  • Working on restoring revisions
  • CR Cormac's patch


  • Q2 goals
  • Signing you up for a meeting with the Swedes NHB, Mr. Holmquist
  • Emailing folks re weekly SDC update update


  • so many meetings
  • 3-5 year planning outline, again, for review part 2 tomorrow
  • answering questions Miriam has about machine-aided depicts

w== 2018-09-12 ==


  • Consolidated the File page patches into 1, and now I'm making minor edits to get it past CI, then it's ready for review
  • MCR tomorrow?!


  • Finishing up prepping designs in InVision for design review (will be sharing link out when ready)
  • Following the Structured License consultation discussion
  • Yesterday, per the consultation, discussed with Ramsey linking certain qualifiers out to their respective WD pages
  • Very meeting day today


  • Yesterday: Loads of resumés reviewed, but many more to come...
  • Today: Pretty much caught up on email, I think. Have some busywork to try to accomplish between meetings.
  • Will be AFK late afternoon.


  • Yesterday: Productive meeting with Smithsonian on 3D stuff. Talked mostly about metadata for their tools. Could be a vector for structured data or Wikibase
  • Also yesterday: following up on community consultations about various things
  • Also yesterday: syncing up with Mariam about machine learning stuff
  • Today: Decent number of meetings
  • 3-5 year planning stuff (this is gonna be a recurring theme for the next month)


  • Meetings
  • Statements consultation
  • Email


  • Restore revisions
  • MediaInfo history broken? Will look into that




  • Shepherding some MCR patches over the line. We might (jinx!) have just landed phase 2 in master.


  • File page still going. Revised first patch is in review. To do on the javascript patch
    • warnings when someone is approaching the limit of text allowed
    • handle error from backend when deleting

... still hoping to get it finished today (crosses fingerz)


  • Still revising/prepping the artwork/editing WD designs for review
  • Spent time this morning updating attribution information on the design consultation files
  • A bit of a meetingful day


  • That was an extraordinarily long weekend, but we're back
  • Resumés are pouring in, so...that's probably my day
  • Once I dig myself out of that I'll try to deal with the rest of my email


  • Still working on 3-5 year planning docs, this time absorbing feedback and also giving feedback to others
  • Miriam added some comments on the machine learning doc. Will review those
  • Thinking about follow-up to the current Structured License conversation
  • Meeting with Smithsonian's digitization team about combining our plans for 3D file support


  • Review pre-plans to work with WMSE
  • Review George's blog post and admin stuff
  • Update gantt chart with refined subchunks
  • Bothering Ramsey about Q2 goals




  • not quite there yet on the File page :( Here's my to-do list
    • bug to do with deleting row for adding the caption in user's language if it doesn't exist
    • javascript warnings when text is too long (or almost too long)
    • refresh all languages on change language


  • Revising the artwork scenario/editing WD on Commons designs for a final round of review this week
  • Have my eye on the Statements consultation (lots of design comments...)


  • A bit of work for 3-5 year planning today, including review of the outline with Toby and co.
  • moving on to spec/requirements for remaining aspects of depicts
  • design chats with Pam


  • Planning to look at Cormac's WIP patch today.


  • Check up statements consultation, have a reply or two from Ramsey I need to pass along from Friday + whatever else is new
  • Email
  • Other work
  • Submission for "Update: Structured Data on Commons" for Wikiconference NA was accepted


  • Restore revisions
  • Vagrant issues


  • Going to Wikibase user workshop in NYC Sept 17–22
  • Talking to GLAM folks about data round-tripping tools
  • Following-up with Keegan re. portal
  • Sending out the weekly update for SDC programme management




  • At the Core Platform/Audiences sync meeting, sorry.


  • Advertising/socializing the statements consultation


  • Working on revisions/restore


  • Presented artwork scenario to design team yesterday, got good feedback & will be sharing at design:dev chat
  • Uploaded structured licenses files to Commons
  • Replied to Matthias about search prototype (for things to be changed when it’s worked on next)
  • Now prepping for the design granularity meeting & updating the designs doc Amanda made
  • Tomorrow: revising artwork scenario


  • File page work continuezzzzz ...


  • A few meetings, then hopefully CR, then tomorrow we start the hiring process


  • Thursday is always full of meetings for me
  • Yesterday, completed first draft of my 3-5 year planning outline
  • today: research on matching external concepts to Wikidata Q items, emails with other Product team members working on planning outlines
  • also today: reviewing job posting stuff for the Engineer role




  • Updated search proto on labs
  • Start work on revisions/revert


  • Posting the copyright and licensing consultation


  • Handful of meetings today
  • Really digging into 3-5 year planning position papers




  • Will be presenting "editing WD on Commons/Artwork scenario" at design review today: https://wikimedia.invisionapp.com/share/AZNJR6RTQXR
  • Search prototype - have feedback, am in the process of annotating screenshots for whenever it can be worked on again
  • Meetings!


  • Right, meeting day
  • Will attempt to make another round of task/patch glances later in the day


  • File page work continues ...




  • Search prototype


  • Nearly caught up on email in record time already, might be able to get into other more different email
  • Probably doing some task and patch review later in the afternoon as well
  • The Big Meeting later as well


  • finalizing/sending out deck for check-in meeting
  • reviewing Cormac's new search doc
  • working on outlines for Product team 3–5 year planning thing


  • Annotating the above designs of editing Wikidata on Commons [artwork scenario] for internal review
  • Will do a Design review of Search prototype this afternoon
  • Parking lot: What's the agenda/deck for today's stakeholder meeting?


  • Tracking wapping up MCR
  • Identifying goals for licensing consultation
  • SDC stakeholder meeting
  • Share Magnus' doc with Multichill and TheDJ


  • Hi!
  • Looking around at how things are going on the MW/MCR side.
  • Currently on 5% time, ramping up to 80% at EOQ.




  • Search prototype


  • SDoC search documentation
  • cleanng up patches from last week
  • reminder - I'm off tomorrow