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Multimedia/Standup notes/2018/March

From mediawiki.org




  • Can't make standup, conflicting meeting - will be at the retro a little late
  • Meeting to scope the "replacing file titles" discussion
  • Closing the copyright/licening discussion today


  • Yesterday: Not enough e's in 'meetings'
  • Today: Trying to get to code, luckily meetings are less of a thing today


  • Yesterday, spent some time reviewing Matthias' Upload Wizard and left comments on the ticket. Also spent some time on the UI for multilingual captions on File Page
  • Today, continuing with UI for multilingual captions on File Page


  • 3 consecutive hours of meetings
  • catching up with admin stuff
  • reviewing work that's up on the Labs instance (captions and search)


  • search patch deployed and working on labs
  • merged one of Matthias's patches, reviewing others
  • tomorrow gonna try and finish off the coursera course I've been doing in my 10%
  • not working on Monday (Easter!)




  • Can't make standup today, Community Engagement Department meeting
  • I have seven meetings today, so that is what I'm doing.


  • Started looking into semantic choices (labels vs captions) again
  • Deploy 3d2png tonight


  • Rested up yesterday, feeling much better
  • Today: Meetings, then hopefully can clean up some of the MediaInfo work. Would like to get it to the wmflabs instance sometime early next week.


  • Not attending, connection is whack
  • Still publishing SDC AP on SDC portal
  • Update email!
  • Hunt down records of Commons metrics needs
  • Review GLAM ontology building plan


  • Had a productive yesterday with JMo
  • Today is Meeting Wednesday, so planning on watching Commons curator interview recordings in between meetings
  • Hoping to squeeze in UI work on multilingual captions on File Page


  • Keeping an eye on GSoC (Google Summer of Code) projects that may effect us (MultimediaViewer)
  • Still working on the Linked Knowledge presentation
  • Metrics discussions (probably linked to what Amanda is doing)
  • Various administrative duties as I fill in for JK while he's away on pat leave


  • Still haven't reviewed Matthias's patches, sorry!
  • Almost have the search patch working on labs though, I think I just need to import some templates
  • Will review that stuff on the morrow for sure
  • Can devs have a chat about hackathon?




  • Fixed labs instance; submitting 2nd language caption is now also displayed
  • When submitting captions fails, the captions are now also included in the error message (for easy copy-pasting)
  • Down arrow added back to language dropdown in UW
  • Language dropdowns in UW don't repeat already picked languages


  • Won't make it to standup...feeling under the weather and going to try to get some rest before it turns into even less productivity
  • Still need to do follow-up and clean-up on the MediaInfo patches


  • Will send Mark and Cormac email about hackathon planning
  • Coordinate Metrics presentation
  • Publish SDC AP on SDC portal
  • Blocker: Lydia out until April 2, waiting to hear about federation




  • The meetings. Filling in for JK while he's away
  • Continuing to work on the Linked Knowledge deck/proposal
  • emails - responding to requests for syncs on many things including Query Builder


  • Trying to get cirrus search working on labs
  • haven't forgetten those code reviews ...




  • Long live the king
  • Demo: File page MediaInfo rendering/editing in-line (parking lot)
    • YAASSS (Amanda)
  • Today: ???, profit


  • About the same as Mark, Re: Today -
  • Emails
  • Looking at the newsletter, which I think I'm sending out next Monday
  • Catching up on teh wikis from the weekend
  • Etc.


  • Transcribe JMo interview
  • Hackathon planning
  • Budget review and reconcilation! SO much fun
  • Respond to Lydia and Andrew Lih


  • Catching up on email :O
  • Prep for JMo co-working meeting tomorrow (A/B testing caption instructions)
  • Getting back into UI design for adding multilingual captions
  • Helping interview a designer candidate later today


  • Labs currently broken (updating Wikibase)
  • UW/multilingual captions:
    • 2nd language caption probably working, but not showing up because of missing Wikibase files (hence, updating Wikibase on labs)
    • Seeing if I can update language dropdowns to not show duplicate languages


  • A number of long meetings
  • following up on tickets
  • management of accounts for folks on labs


  • Hail to Mark!
  • Search patch approved and merged
  • Trying to get it all running on labs, but in the process have broken labs :(




  • Drumming up more participation in the licensing consultation
  • Probably working a half day today, errands


  • Met with Thiemo, cleared some things up, should be clear to work on frontend code now and actually make some progress on a file page early prototype.


  • addshore reviewing search patch as we speak
  • ... at a bit of a loose end now, have been reading through MCR code to try and get a better handle on it, but could do with some direction if there's something better I could be doing


  • 4 meetings after this one
  • furiously working on a Product Vision for this Linked Knowledge endeavor


  • 3d2png deploy didn't happen; some servers got repurposed & need to get rid of those in deployment config...
  • Settings up UW/multilingual captions on labs instance
  • CR Cormac's patch




  • Getting UW on labs instance
  • Reviewing Cormac's patch
  • Probably deploying 3d2png changes tonight


  • Meetingsssss
  • Hoping to meet with Thiemo tomorrow to clear up some questions about Wikibase EntityView stuff - file page prototype nearly complete but still has some parser placeholders in it that should get cleared out before we push things anywhere.


  • Keeping an eye on the wikis and consultation
  • WMF stuff to do today: travel request, expense reports, wellness form, quarterly goals, all that jazz
  • Start a google doc for the file name conversation if I can find the motivation


  • Will be meeting with Tilman tomorrow about logging for Multilingual file caps
  • Spending most of today with meetings and prepping presentation ideas for Linked Knowledge / Mellon grant


  • vagrant instance was giving me headaches this morning and yesterday evening
  • fixed now, implemented addshore's comments, waiting for further feedback from him
  • still a good chance will be merged this week




  • arranging meeting with data analyst peeps for guidance on measuring file captions
  • working on new GLAM version of George Oates presentation doc
  • meeting with Smithsonian about 3D
  • researching / reading various structured license discussions


  • getting feedback on A/B test protocol
  • scattered meetings today
  • off rest of week


  • +1 from Stas on search patch
  • couple of comments from addshore, but implementing them broke the patch :( ... hopefully will get sorted today
  • Matthias reckons he should have time to review it himself tomorrow (maybe)
  • (crosses fingers)
  • partly sorted that issue with images downloading instead of displaying


  • First: SoS callouts? Status reports?
  • Yesterday/this morning: Made some progress converting my MediaInfo code to use a third, more different class, that does the same thing as the last two. Going to try and figure out how to fix the rest of it next.





Won't be around for task planning (picking up cat) Probably won't be around for tomorrow's standup (errands to run)

  • Tested & merged a bunch of 3D things
  • Won't work much tomorrow (errands to run...) but will do some more 3D work


  • MediaInfo: Will get back into Thiemo's email and make necessary changes to get things functioning (I hope)
  • PL: Frustrating weekend for other life things (Ingress-related), in case we have extra time we want to spend on that trivia


  • Just popped in from travel to do Q4 goals with peeps (not mm, y'all are already covered)


  • emails
  • research
  • working on this new, somewhat urgent Linked Knowledge thing


  • See how the licensing converstiaon is going
  • Begin poking at the Spring edition of the SDoC newsletter


  • Off Wed-Fri, so working sole on multilingual copy for UW & the A/B testing protocol




  • Meetingpalooza part 2
  • User stories when I get a chance
  • Research


  • Got good feedback on MLC (on FP) UI from design team, Mark, and Ramsey yesterday
  • Today, solely focusing on UI copy for MLC on UW (copy to A/B test)


  • Building 3d2png Docker image




  • Yesterday: Fired off an email to Thiemo to get some answers about my work...response arrived early this morning
  • Today: Deciphering and attempting to integrate Thiemo's advice into my life, etc.
  • Tomorrow: Will be off, don't expect me to be responsive


  • Working through more comments on search patch! What a surprise!
  • addshore says 'LGTM', so that's something




  • Yesterday: Made limited progress on shifting code around, but didn't really change much in the rendering.
  • Today: Continued exploration, more meetings, sigh
  • Heads up: I'll probably be out on Friday


  • Still working on the UI for adding MLC on the filepage
  • Lots of meetings today
  • Taking a few days off next week (Wed-Fri)


  • Lauching the licensing discussion as soon as I get the okay from Legal


  • more comments on search patch, Stas says "it's pretty good" at this stage, so maybe I'll get sign off this week


  • Meetingpalooza
  • Email festival continues
  • Will try to spend time on more user stories today


  • UW multilingual captions pretty much done (except for UI copy & possibly error handling)
  • 3D tomorrow, for real this time




  • Trying to come up with decent error handling when submitting captions from UW fails
  • Next: 3D


  • email festival again
  • monitoring discussions between and about the MCR ParserOutput debate
  • chasing various people for follow-up info


  • UI -> adding multilingual captions on File Page still
  • Beginning to prep for WMCon


  • suddenly remembers to do this ...
  • submitted a new patch for search, replying to comments atm
  • no doubt there'll be more tomorrow


  • Computer lag issues, sorry if my update is text-only
  • Yesterday: Interrupts prevented significant progress (sigh)
  • Today: Looks a bit better and we'll be doing some interesting things to clear the way for work




  • Won't make it to today's stand-up & planning (in transit/spotty wifi)
  • Yesterday (Friday)
  • Made comments to: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T188502
  • Began writing a reserach protocol for testing UI copy on Upload Wizard (to test Caption), will pick this up again on Tuesday
  • Today (Monday, or what will be Monday)
  • Working on redoing UI of adding multilingual captions on file page


  • UploadWizard captions working, except for 3 questions that Ramsey already answered
  • Will work on 3D tomorrow


  • emails, emails, emails
  • meetings
  • jumping back into Community discussions to see how we should proceed


  • Holy crap! A shitload more comments on my patch. Work continues ...


  • Progress on MediaInfo: Still a bit slow.
  • A few meetings today but nothing too impactful


  • Launching the licensing discussion?
  • Delayed from the end of last week due to some community stuff





Won't make today's meetings (friend gave birth yesterday, we'll go visit)

  • Submitting UW captions to Wikibase - chaining a bunch of promises - functional! but need to clean up some code



Can't make standup

  • Licensing discussion draft going up soon


  • Search patch
  • implemented Adam S's suggestions
  • now working on some comments from Thiemo
  • DCausse has commented now too, so his ones are next


  • Yesterday: lost some time due to doctor visit, but managed to make progress on FPFC. Also shared a doc for UI Copy (on Upload Wizard's Describe step)
  • Today: will be working on FPFC mostly


  • Yesterday: Got to the point where I'm actually working on frontend code again. I can do this.
  • Today: Doing this
  • Tomorrow: ???, profit, 10% time


  • emails, emails, emails
  • Opened up the Future of Commons discussion to the whole Product team. Waiting for feedback
  • Working on Quarterly goals for next quarter before Amanda goes on vacation
  • There will probably be at least one surprise meeting




  • Yesterday: worked on File Page File Captions
  • Today: morning meetings, then File Page File Captions


  • Emails. So many emails.
  • Meetings. So many meetings.
  • Further work on the new, focused doc for the work we want to do with George Oates.


  • Couple meetings
  • Wrote a brief convo for Commons about licensing, needs review from Ramsey, Amanda, Stephen. It's short, the long version got canned.
  • Address a pile of Gdoc notes from various gdocs


  • Respond to Miriam
  • Submit WMCon session
  • All the meetings


  • Hacking around 3D STL loader - nothing useful so far...
  • Working on submitting caption to Wikibase


  • working on more search stuff with help from Adam S ...
  • tomorrow - more of the same, I suppose


  • Yesterday: Some progress on edit interface! I now get error messages that actually make sense to me.
  • Today: In between meetings, fixing what I did yesterday
  • Last call for SoS needs




  • Messing around with 3D STL loader, hacking around inefficiencies in our existing one to see how much there is to gain


  • Yesterday: Interrupts were as expected, not much progress
  • Today: Continuing work on file page inclusion of WB editing interface
  • Also: Generally continuing some threads on MGMT education


  • Yesterday: wrapping up research on Boolean logic, have more clarity on Search, also rabbit-holed in Wikidata
  • Today: scattered meetings throughout the day. Returning to File Page File Captions to begin revisions.


  • more emails
  • updating roadmap with metrics tasks
  • working on an updated doc for the George Oates project


  • more feedback on search patch from search team, implemented some suggestions
  • prodded WMDE for clarification on something from Daniel
  • researching MCR




  • 3D
    • Looking into thumb failure for huge files - need to investigate if we can write an improved STL loader
    • Looking into thumb quality: unfortunately, no antialiasing available - need to test if Thumbor downscaling can help
  • UploadWizard
    • SDoC: caption interface mostly complete. Next: actually submit the caption to Wikibase
    • Apparently, there's been a recent change in jQueryMsg parser, causing regressions in UW; investigating... (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T188818)


  • Implemented Daniel's suggestions for multi-lingual captions search patch, waiting for feedback from Adam
  • Continue investigating MCR


  • Continue working on Search (Autosuggest)
  • Answer InVIsion feedback for Captions on Filepage


  • File page inclusion of Wikibase editing interface: No progress since last update, hopefully I can untangle some stuff today
  • Couple of meetings, couple of errands to run today, potentially impacting throughput
    • More potentially impactful: Poor sleep
    • Also: It's snowing again


  • WMCon session description
  • New readers inspire grant proposal eval
  • Review Community communication strategy
  • Update email


  • Emails, emails, emails (responses, questions, and general administrative stuff)
  • If time permits, back into the User Stories doc


  • Investigating and writing draft for "high-level" structured licensing placeholder conversation
  • Mondays.




  • Meetings this morning
  • Can't make standup, meeting overlap. Wil be at retro.
  • Sorted out the Order Of Doing Things for March with Amanda
  • Ontology closes todayish, pending review


  • Working on UW multilingual captions


  • communicating with Smithsonian about 3D and Andrew Lih about a grant they're applying for to do an improved UI for depicts
  • still exploring whether we keep filenames. reached out to other PMs yesterday and got an interesting response.
  • reviewing and updating docs as I find time
  • putting together a more specific plan for the Future of Commons


  • Working on Search today (looking for example queries for the Query Builder)
  • Going through InVision comments for MLC on FP


  • Starting with Data Analysts' new team today, scaling back with MM as planned
  • See you at retro after standup


  • implementing some suggestions from Daniel K on search patch
  • spoke to Adam Shorland about MCR
  • merged some patches for Matthias and Mark
  • looked over latest wireframe from Pam and search specs from Ramsey
  • more of the same tomorrow


  • Final budget reconciliation for AP SDC
  • Reach out to affiliates about WMCon program planning sesh
  • Formalize code reviewer group for MCR
    • Add Cormac to MCR reviewer group
  • Respond to file caption name thread (Sorry Keegan and Ramsey)
  • Community communication strategy
  • Ramsey there are a ton of people working on depicts/categories, apparently?


  • CR moving on MI patch...hopefully done with that soon (correction: Done!)
  • MI importing WB editing interface: Ugh. Complex. Will be hunting through hook documentation and WB class documents for some time.