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Multimedia/Standup notes/2018/August

From mediawiki.org




  • won't be at standup
  • have refactored File page php patch based on feedback from Adam/Wikidata
  • re-starting js work


  • Won't be at stand-up -- will be attending JMo's research presentation.
  • Yesterday was extremely meetingful -- today is much better.
  • Making very good progress on the Editing WD on Commons modal situation.


  • tons of meetings today
  • yesterday, completed high-level doc describing our current machine-assisted depicts taggging thoughts. Sent that to the research team, awaiting feedback
  • also yesterday, added the Official Product Manager stance on statement traversal :)
  • will try to return to the deck for SDC status meeting on Tuesday


  • Search proto: other statements


  • Beginning a hiring process - some of you will be involved, but you've been warned (I think)
  • Trying to clear out the todo list today


  • Review creating Wikidata items from Commons
  • Review Keegan's property creation doc




  • No standup, dept. meeting
  • Getting the properties list posted
  • Work on the licensing draft


  • Got through a good portion (maybe all?) of the MCR stuff yesterday...feel pretty good about it but obviously I haven't tried writing anything with it
  • Meeting day today
    • Pam - I rescheduled us as has become the norm, maybe we should just change our meeting time permanently
  • Probably not much time for Real Work today, maybe tomorrow


  • OOUI on FIle page continues ...
  • Have patch from Adam that I can use for a refactoring of my php patch
  • may need to miss standup/retro tomorrow, not sure yet
  • @Mark my 1:1 with you tomorrow clashes


  • UW fix going out today
  • Replaced deprecated OOUI element in search proto
  • Will work on "other statements" tomorrow


  • too many things to write
  • but fortunately not too many meetings today
  • Working on writing a.) rationale for how to handle statement traversal (or lack thereof) b.) very base/high level spec for machine-assisted depicts tagging c.) deck for Tuesday's SDC update meeting


  • Meeting Wednesday!
  • Making further progress on Artwork Scenario/Editing WD on Commons + multilingual aspects of that
  • Mark, yes, let's permanently change our meeting time (the later time works very well for me)




  • Survived yesterday's meeting extravaganza
  • Reviewed the comment discussion on Cormac's statement traversal doc. Have a made a product decision on where we go from here (will document)
  • going over proposed properties list with Keegan and Sandra today
  • Will work on deck for next Tuesday's stakeholder meeting probably
  • Will also try to find time for Machine assisted tagging requirements deck
  • parking lot: Need to put up an emergency fix for the broken uploadwizard


  • Great meeting with Ramsey yesterday over editing WD on Commons requirements
  • Making progress on Artwork Scenario/editing WD on Commons
  • Also attending the property list meeting


  • Doin' the project page update with Keegan!
  • Reviewing GLAM pilot project timeline, Keegan's structured license discussion doc, mobile design brief, creating wikidata items from Commons, Magnus' dev notes, statement traversal thing


  • I've successfully gotten Google on the schedule to log me out once a month right before our standups start
  • Yesterday: Some catch-up, some feeling slightly under the weather. Gonna battle through and try to get things done today.




  • working on js for FIle page
  • have had some feedback on the php patch ... addshore is working on some interfaces they want me to use instead of subclassing




  • Licensing draft, get it finished up and out to internal stakeholders
  • Few meetings


  • Back from a whirlwind weekend trip
  • Will attempt to catch up on email then get back into MCR review stuff


  • Only seven meetings today ;)
  • Busy week of putting together various presentation decks. Not sure which will get done first.
  • With time, I'll review Matthias' labs work (yay)


  • Artwork scenario/editing WD on Commons
  • Need to send the design update to the SDC list




  • First part of the File page changes (the php part) in review
    • some trickiness with Wikibase and Depends-On and CI/merging
  • javascript part (the hard part) begins in the morning
  • will be off work on Friday


  • First pre-midterm report grant review (features, timeline, and progress)
  • GLAM pilot follow up with GLAM team
  • Map of stakeholder concerns
  • May be off work on Friday




  • Can't make standup, meetings most of the day
  • Start drafting the licensing conversation this afternoon, at least get the images and sections into a gdoc



Away - doctor's appointment

  • Search prototype mostly working & Cormac has imported a whole lot of things - let's (try to) get something on beta tomorrow


  • Working on housekeeping stuff this morning (pulling all my work into a spreadsheet & making sure everything is in invision)
  • Meeting with Ramsey & Nirzar later today to figure out editing of WD stuff


  • Meeting day went as expected
  • Off tomorrow
  • Trying to get through MCR stuff today
  • PL: Copernicus the cat


  • George Oates contract
  • Respond to Magnus
  • Respond to Swedish Cultural Heritage data roundtripping request


  • yesterday: meetings, lots of stuff on design, IIIF, other things
  • 8 meetings today!
  • as usual, I will try (and probably fail) to get to the batch uploading scenario


  • spent today importing stuff into federated-wikidata for use on labs ... mostly breaking stuff then fixing it
  • OOUI tomorrow




  • Philly hype
  • Got through some MCR stuff yesterday, looking good so far, will try to blast through the rest of it before leaving
  • Meeting day!!!


  • Extremely meetingful day today
  • Finishing up some artwork scenario thoughts & sending over to Ramsey soon
  • Read the manual reverts deck & have been researcing it a bit


  • My throat is scratchy and I have a cough. I'm not okay with this.
  • Emails, phabricator, meetings
  • Advertise depicts a little more, maybe


  • Search prototype: keywords/depicts toggle mostly working


  • Reading manual revert deck
  • Responding to Adam's email
  • Moar SDC portal!
  • Reviewing Cormac's search doc


  • yesterday - finished and sent out that manual revert deck that's the hot thing, talk of the town
  • meetings
  • emails (so many emails)
  • will try to get back into batch uploads/editing spec today if I can find the time


  • talked to the search team yesterday, output from that is a discussion doc that I just shared with them and Ramsey and Amanda
  • making (slow) progress on File page OOUI




  • Meeting heavy day again
  • Did some stuff with Undo/revert yesterday, will hopefully wrap that up today in prep for Thursday's design/dev chat
  • poking people about stuff we need later


  • Working on search prototype
    • Search term being generated!
    • Next: keywords/depicts toggle


  • Finally able to access labs again, thanks to Ramsey, to check UI copy. Updated this ticket: [⚓ T188502 Implement multilingual captions in UploadWizard](https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T188502)
  • Putting together some artwork scenario stuff for Ramsey to look at
  • Doing some research for the Undo function
  • Floating last week's WMF holiday to this Friday


  • Respond to Max's email
  • Nudge data migration tool builders


  • meeting with the search team at 5.30 to discuss depicts of depicts and statement traversal
  • working on File page OOUI


  • Schedules are hard
  • Today: No meetings, hopefully can get through checking on MCR completeness
  • Tomorrow: Back to meetings
  • Gearing up to go to Philly on Friday - remember I'll be out





Not around for standup/meetings today - baby-related appointment (and again on Thursday, sorry!)

  • Working on search prototype, making good progress on generating search term for keywords & depicts input


  • Friday: reviewed and delivered Pam's mock structured licenses designs to Keegan
  • Only 4 hours of meetings today! :)
  • Working on annual plan documentation that Product team has to do
  • hoping to have time to work on slides for batch editing and/or undo today


  • A few meetings
  • Have a lot of catchup to do still
  • Cormac: How's MCR looking?


  • mocked up examples for the structured licenses community discussion
  • can’t access upload wizard on labs (blocker for checking https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T189145)
  • need to email SDC update
  • returning to artwork scenario


  • Licensing draft that Ramsey sent me - I need to go over it
  • Check up on depicts
  • Figure out when we're doing our next office hour and newsletter


  • 'depicts-of-depicts' working properly now, have a meeting with the search team at 5.30 to discuss it and statement traversal in general
  • https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T194729 is resolved, which according to Adam Holmes :P means we can start our work on MCR
  • started on OOUI stuff ... where are the designs again?





Will likely miss standup (conflict with "interview training")

  • Working on search proto


  • Meetings
  • Check up on Depicts, promoting on Wikidata I think
  • I owe Community Tech a couple of small tasks today


  • Emailed Matthias additional info re: Search with statements
  • Working on structured licences mock for the community consultation
  • Refining artwork scenario
  • Will need another labs login because I lost mine somehow


  • will help Pam with her labs login ;)
  • so many meetings
  • lots of follow-up emails
  • Completed mock-ups for Structured Licenses yesterday (yes I worked a little bit on a day off SHAME ON YOU) and passed them off to Pam
  • if I can somehow find the time, will work on Batch uploading spec for Pam


  • started digging on OOUI
  • job queue issue with depicts-of-depicts patch, got some help from Erik so have a new lead


  • That was a weird day off
  • MN primary update [PL]
  • Meetings to start off my morning (joy)
  • May be ducking out a little early for some errands




  • Fixed double license selection in UploadWizard
  • Sent emails about "other statements" & "related items"


  • Meeting week continues
  • Voted! Yay!
  • Taking tomorrow off after all. If you *need* a 1:1 this week, please reschedule for Thursday.


  • Sent some replies to Matthias about "related items" and Other Statements (other statements will take more than one email)
  • Continuing finishing up the artwork scenario
  • Working tomorrow


  • Meetings
  • Emails, emails, emails
  • still trying to make progress on Structured licenses.




  • Every day is meeting day
  • Will be out this afternoon for car maintenance stuffs
  • Tomorrow: Voting! Primary! Ahhhhh


  • Catching up
  • Fixed Vagrant
  • Working on double license selection in UploadWizard


  • Meetings
  • A whole mess of emails came in before I woke up. Looking at those.
  • Will attempt to return to the structured license spec today.


  • Can't make standup, will be at backlog grooming
  • Meetings first half of the day
  • Emails and wikis on the second half
  • Closing the properties discussion today or tomorrow


  • Making progress on Batch adding statements & the artwork scenario on UW
  • Need to send out Design SDC update


  • trying to make my depicts-of-depicts job work on vagrant (including finding out what changes in wikibase break everything)
  • off tomorrow to go for a birthday picnic with my younger daughter (she's 10!)


  • Mostly not SDC today
  • Ping Magnus re. data migration bots and tools




  • Check up on the wikis
  • Advertise depicts a little more
  • Meetings
  • Probably taking a half day after meetings to get vehicle emissions inspection


  • wmflabs figuring done between meetings yesterday
  • Meeting day 2: Meet Harder
  • Hopefully can slog through some emails in the afternoon, things are getting out of hand


  • So many meetings
  • Will hopefully get a chance to start doing some structured licenses spec work today


  • Way less meetings today (vs yesterday)
  • So yay, batch adding statements in UW


  • asked search team for feedback on my statement expansion job (and Mark!)
  • vagrant autoload woes doing my head in (grrr)




  • still slogging away at the statement expansion ... making progress, but need some direction on synchonricity of job queues ... planning to seek help from search team tomorrow


  • Yesterday was not as productive as expected - multiple interrupts
  • Meeting day seems somehow more dense today
  • Gotta figure out how to get some folks access to the wmflabs instance - looks like things have changed since I last did that


  • Back for good
    • \o/
  • End-to-end design of how a user would add a piece of metadata to several pieces of artwork, both in Upload Wizard and elsewhere
  • Getting caught up on the design/spec workboard and yay!


  • Depicts discussion!
  • Set up properties meeeting
  • Meetings


  • Yesterday: created the new docs Phab project/group and added everybody
  • meetings today
  • reading responses to depicts spec community consultation

Amanda =

  • Bothering Keegan about project page
  • Bothering Ramsey about other statements specs
  • 1:1 with Ramsey, if he has time :)




  • Not at standup
  • Posting and communicating about Ramsey's depicts specs on Commons today
  • Non-SDC stuff related to time-consuming requests


  • Getting stuff done day!
  • Yesterday mostly disrupted due to meetings and appointment


  • meeting with Shannon today to talk about the possibility of 3D updates as her 10% time project
  • after consulting with Max, decided to go with the Phab approach for tracking design and spec docs. Creating and filling that out today.
  • yesterday, polished up a community version of the depicts spec and handed it over to Keegan. Today, revisiting current relevant community discussions


  • catching up!
  • working on statement expansion job ... making progress because I decided to ignore most of my email ... trying to make it generic enough to work for not just depicts-of-depicts (but not too generic ...)




  • Got through CR column - there's one ticket in there from me
  • Meetings conflict this morning - may miss part of task planning
  • Doctor appointment this afternoon, will be incommunicado for a bit


  • Finishing the polishing of depicts doc
  • Working on a new Phab workboard for design and spec docs
  • Hopefully will have time to do leftover spec work on batch upload/edit


  • What's with Monochrome Etherpad?
  • Checking up on the wikis
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Emails
  • Phabricator board checkup


  • working on portal, yay!
    • will send you an email, keegan
  • then, if awake on plane, will look at EoY report
    • do any of you have to do one of these?
  • uploaded CT farmers market dogs to slack #doggos




  • Not at standup, conflicting meeting
  • Meetings almost all day
  • Emails and catchup


  • Meeting half-day!
  • Solidified plans for my trip to Philly - will be off August 24th for travel and my own special brand of tourism
  • Will attempt to get through some code review this afternoon, but might need to work on some email backlog instead


  • first half of day is full of meetings, as usual
  • sent Pam my work so far on artwork depicts
  • will try to get more polishing depcits doc


  • Catching up on all the emails/presentation decks
  • Out Mon/Tues to settle more properly
  • Lining up what best to focus on (Ramsey, can we meet today or tomorrow?)


  • Are you sufficiently coordinated, Mark?
  • FIlling out phab feedback for prog mgmt




  • Back, at about 80%
  • Playing catchup - emails, Wikimania brain dump
  • Non-SDC stuff to do


  • Fixed Flickr uploads (I think) - needed to do some weird stuff with the license picker and also fix a breaking change in a core OOUI widget
  • Meeting day today, trying to shave stuff from my todo list in between
  • May be taking off a day later in August - have a trip planned (to Philly!!!!)


  • emails emails emails
  • continuing to work on add/edit depicts statements from depicted artwork
  • polishing up depicts spec doc while I'm doing the above ^


  • coordination emails
  • reviewing financial projections