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Mobile design/Navigation improvements

From mediawiki.org

This document describes plans for improved site navigation on Wikimedia mobile sites.



As we add more features, especially contributory ones, to the Wikimedia mobile gateway, we need to adjust our site navigation to make them more discoverable. We also need to ensure that our site architecture follows usability best practices.

User research


Previous work on mobile site navigation has shown that the left navigation menu (the "hamburger") is discoverable and is an understandable affordance for users. Users also strongly gravitate to the search bar in tests, indicating that this is an important feature to have available on content pages.

User stories

  • As a mobile user, I want to be able to navigate the site, read content, and discover features.

Design requirements

  • ...
Chrome proposal, December 2012

Project phases


In progress

  • Chrome navigation standardization

In planning

  • Left nav redesign
  • Customizable main page



Developer card wall

  • ...

